As we all prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, The Life Center is very thankful to see how our programs continue to improve the lives of mothers and their small children, and we rejoice in their progress. With lots happening, we’re happy to share some highlights with you.
We give thanks to Gulf Coast Academy students.
More than a dozen GCA students chose TLC for their Pay It Forward project this year. So far, their efforts have resulted in a beautiful makeover of our living room; and kids at TLC have benefitted from one student’s coaching and mentoring. Furthermore, some students’ fundraising efforts are helping TLC carry out our mission to provide shelter and support to women and children facing homelessness. We greatly appreciate the work of these fine young people!
We give thanks to our all-volunteer staff.
From resident support and facilities maintenance to community relations and fundraising, TLC’s volunteers are at the heart of our success. In fact, one of our creative volunteers has developed a perfume exclusively for TLC. It’s called “Surmont,” a fragrant blend of floral and citrus tones that’s sure to delight everyone on your holiday gift list. You can purchase it by contacting Nathalie Roussel, MarketingMakeover2020@gmail.com. Priced at $25/bottle plus shipping and handling, all proceeds will support TLC’s initiatives.
We give thanks to our community.
No charitable organization can succeed without the support of community partners, and TLC is blessed with a network of organizations that share our commitment to mothers and children in need. If you would like to find out how your organization can help us, please contact Carol Barber by phone or text at 850.981.7295.
We give thanks to YOU!
TLC’s loyal supporters make it possible for our team to maintain our standards of excellence and expand our programs and services. Some choose to include TLC in their year-end charitable giving, while others donate monthly or quarterly. We are grateful for each and every one of them! To make a donation, just visit our website: LifeCenterofHernando.com
From all of us at TLC, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Mailing address: The Life Center, PO Box 10141, Brooksville, FL 34603 * Phone: 352-597-0119 Like us on Facebook: TheLifeCenterOfHernando * Visit us online: www.LifeCenterofHernando.com Shopping? https://smile.amazon.com/ch/32-0004500
The Life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling 1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. The Life Center’s registration number in Florida is CH 22951
His Heart, His Hands, His House