Time for one more Blessing
Merry Christmas! Remember the story of the first Christmas and the young pregnant woman who needed shelter? Did you ever wonder why no one took her in? Do you feel like you would have helped her if you had been there?
Yesterday The Life Center was privileged to have this opportunity. If ever there was a time when we are glad TLC exists, it is when we can welcome a young mother into our program. It feels like a gift.
We got an emergency call Sunday morning letting us know a pregnant 18 year old was arriving from out of state. Our program allows us to be flexible enough to respond to some emergencies. This mom needed help and she needed it NOW.
Because of your prayers, financial support, and volunteering; we could help. Thank you. She is safely sheltered at TLC.
If TLC did not exist, we do not know where she would have gone. We will do what we can to help her transition into adulthood so she can make a better life for herself and her baby. We can help because you care. Thank you. One volunteer heard this story and responded, "If that isn't a heart warming thought...
We know some of our readers want to help, but are frustrated by how difficult it all seems to be. Try one of these methods:
> Send a check to The Life Center of Hernando at PO Box 10141 Brooksville, FL 34603
You can do this one time or every month. One person faithfully donates $10 a month. Others donate $200 or $500 each month. We use this money for program expenses such as gas for van, utilities, insurance and mortgage. We need this to operate
> Or you can buy gifts for our children’s play room. Go to https://smile.amazon.com/…/R6UIM1ANW…/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl Some gifts are under $10 . Some are more.
We appreciate each gift. Play is therapy for kids who have been traumatized.
> Or you can Use square. Square is allowing fee-free giving up to the first $1,000. This money helps with the unusual: New appliances or adding to the scope of our program. Right now we are dreaming of an outdoor exercise area for our moms.
The most important thing you can do is pray. We reallylly appreciate prayers that ask for God’s perfect will in His perfect timing. In addition we hope to have a healthier group of residents and volunteers.
* Send a check to The Life Center of Hernando at PO Box 10141 Brooksville, FL 34603
You can do this one time or every month. One person faithfully donates $10 a month. Others donate $200 or $500 each month. We use this money for program expenses such as gas for van, utilities, insurance and mortgage. We need this to operate
* Or you can buy gifts for our children’s play room. Go to https://smile.amazon.com/…/R6UIM1ANW…/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl Some gifts are under $10 . Some are more.
We appreciate each gift. Play is therapy for kids who have been traumatized.
Or you can Use square. Square is allowing fee-free giving up to the first $1,000. This money helps with the unusual: New appliances or adding to the scope of our program. Right now we are dreaming of an outdoor exercise area for our moms.