TLC is one year old MARCH 1ST, 2014!
Watch us grow!
In March of 2013, The Life Center of Hernando offered its first young family a place to live. With this offer came a promise to use all resources at our disposal to help the moms become self-confident, independent heads of households.
That promise is being kept. As TLC enters its second year, we continue to expand services, share and team together with our families in a way that was not possible a year ago. TLC is a grass- roots, community effort. Imagine what we can accomplish together in the next 12months!
Our residents say “Thank you for a place to call home. Not only shelter but life skills and love.” Programs, finances, and volunteers are important, but the heart of the story is our young families. We are proud of them and want to share some of their successes with you. The happiest news this past year has been the birth of three beautiful, healthy baby boys! They are the beginning of a new cycle of family success. Although they are still small, we envision these young men as intelligent, creative compassionate persons. Welcome to the world, you darling bundles of joy.
TLC Facts
Since opening on March 1, 2013, TLC has provided over 84 weeks of shelter for seven families for a value of approximately $8,400. This population included seven women, 4 of them pregnant, and 7 little ones. How did we do it? In 2013 we had over 40 volunteers! In addition, we had in-kind donations valued at over $23,000 and $2,881 in cash donations.
We still have only one monthly pledge, but it brings in $10 a month and we are grateful. Yes, you read correctly. We ran TLC based on an “guaranteed income” of $10 a month! Who would attempt such a thing? Well, we were far too busy to look around and notice how we were managing. Looking back all we can say is, “Thank you, God.” As much as we have done, we know it is not enough.
In 2013 we had 88 moms who requested assistance. TLC was only able to help a handful. Looking to the future, we need to expand. We have a few areas in which we want to improve in order to more effectively serve our community.
Our motto for 2014 is “Excellence before Expansion.”
UPDATE: TLC Learning Center
Where there are moms, there are children. Don’t all children deserve the best possible start in life? Especially children who have lived through trauma? TLC believes in the importance of early childhood education and the effect it has on future school success.
TLC is preparing to open our own licensed home daycare. This is not an easy endeavor. We have had to work on the building, stock it with toys and equipment, and find our future teachers. Now we are helping those future teachers meet licensing requirements. Teachers need infant first-aid and CPR, background checks and hours of training. All of this is expensive and time consuming. The goal is quality care for the children. It will also be a place where some of our moms can do volunteer work or be employed.
Recently Emergency Management Specialist, Dan Santana offered to come to the residence and teach the required CPR and FIRST AID class. Dan offered these classes for free at our location! Our moms deal with very limited transportation options and paying for classes poses another obstacle. We were delighted with this opportunity!
Thank you
Christmas Blessings:
*Killingsworth Insurance donated cash, always a welcome gift!
*Flammer Ford’s gifts included 2 bikes and a huge sack of gifts.
*Su Zakar captured our residents on film, creating portrait treasures that she generously donated for each family.
*Keller-Williams selected TLC as its yearly Christmas charity. Thank you to Lou Carfino, Bill Moffitt, Tracie Mailer, and all the folks at Keller-Williams.
*Staywell continues to print our newsletters. We are very grateful.
Thank You!
TLC could not have reached our 1st Anniversary without the support of the following:
*Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now continues to manage TLC’s face book page. Keeley runs the premier website for things to do in Hernando County. Be sure to check www.springhillnow.com, and www.Facebook.com/SpringHillNow and www.Facebook.com/HernandoDailyNews. if you’re looking for things to do locally.
*Rick Matthews was very helpful and printed flyers for a fund raiser.
*Alice Parola, MaryKay Cosmetics – Thank you for the make-up session!
*Brooksville County Club encouraged TLC mightily with their support.
*AMSCOT awarded TLC a $250 grant!
*Osmond Printing – Pledged their support for our Learning Center
*Gerry Boutot at AppDataWorks for providing needed assistance with the TLC website. Thank you Gerry! ADW is a Professional Consulting Services company specializing in the development of high quality custom computer software, databases, web sites, web applications, online branding, social media and online marketing frameworks. www.adwsoft.com Need web assistance? Call Gerry @ 352-610-9890

The Media Supports TLC!
*Jean Hayes at the Hernando Times and Debbie Palmer at Hernando Today for publishing TLC articles and pictures. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated.
*Sandy Metcalf, publisher of the Hernando Star Magazine for featuring TLC in your Christmas Issue and donating issues for fundraising.
Churches & Non-Profits Support TLC!
*Turning Point Nazarene Church and Pastor Wayne Augustine – This little Church took up a generous Christmas offering for TLC. Pastor Wayne is very supportive and offers counseling and bible study to our residents. Thank You!
*Grace World Outreach Church have donated generously supplying TLC with volunteers and generous financial support. Thank you!
*Dayspring Presbyterian – Pastor Barnes and his congregation have taken one of our residents under its wing. Thank you! *Dawn Center – Supplied written letter of support on our behalf as well as a printer and car seats. Thank you!
*People Helping People – Thank you for supplying us with a new washer/drier for our shelter!
*Jericho Road Ministries – Thank you for donating a refrigerator for The Little House!
*Baby Love – for the continued donations of diapers, car seats and a computer! Thank You Baby Love!
Thank You Volunteers & Friends:
*Robin Cook *Christy Plants, *Robin Gatton *Tammy Mack *Michelle Hilton *Wayne Augustine *Victoria Jones *Ayasha Teague *Michelle Willis *Ericka Black *Tamara Stewart *Sophia Watson *Robin McAndrews *Nancy Moores *Dawn Easter *Tresa Watson *Jenn Bliska
Monthly Team Meetings Held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM
March 18th April 15th May 20th
Board Meetings are held at: Fellowship Hall Turning Point Chuch 19384 Ingram Street Brooksville FL
Spring Events
Happy Hippos Sale DaySpring Church Glen Lakes Garden Club Baby Love Banquet Boys & Girls Club Yard Sale
• Every sort of baby item, pre-school art supplies & music system (CD player) • Urgent need for feminine hygiene products, shampoo & size 4/5 diapers. • Cleaning supplies. Urgent need is for laundry soup. • Any ethnic items: Dolls, books, toys, music, play food, posters. • New couch. • Printer paper. • Gift cards/tickets for activities (movies) or special event tickets. • Birthday gifts – new items for babies, preschoolers or adults. • Gift cards for undies and shoes & transportation. • Door mat, water purifier and step stool. • Security cameras, smart code keyless lock. • Bigger sand box: Materials and labor and sand. • Memory sticks for use in creating e-life books (baby books). • Scrapbook materials for use in creating traditional life books.
Really BIG Needs
• A building for expansion to a second residence. • Exterior vinyl siding for 3 sides of our 800 Sq. Ft. building. • Offer professional services: haircuts, car repairs, handyman, painter. • Set up a raised-bed vegetable garden for the toddlers. • Help create a “water wall” for summer fun using tubes & funnels. • Offer a resident & her child a ride to church on a regular basis. • Invite a resident & her child: • To your home for a meal or a movie or a swim. • To a special event or family gathering. • On an outing or for a walk with them. • To the library story hour on a regular basis. • Become our on-line researcher. New opportunity and much appreciated. • Offer services as an experienced grant writer. • Arrange a fund raiser.
How to DONATE! • Online: Use a credit/debit card or PayPal account. Just go to the Donations tab on this website. • By Check payable to:
The Life Center c/o Lemoine 3443 Minnow Creek Drive Hernando Beach, FL 34607
If you would like to donate time, talent or treasure, email to thelifecenterfl@gmail.com or call (352) 597-0119.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
You can donate any kind of vehicle with a title- running or not -for the Vehicle Donation Program.
This includes motorcycles, boats, trailers and airplanes. Call the DONATION LINE anytime 877 227 7487. Be sure to mention The Life Center!
• Event Planners. •Assistant Teachers for Tuesday or Thursday nights from 6:45 to 8 PM. (One hour a month). •Crafters for Life Books • Guest Speakers
Interested? Contact Angela Welsh @ angela.thelifecenter@yahoo.com
We love talking about TLC!
Invite someone from TLC to do a presentation at your club, church or community organization. To request a presentation to your group – Call Barbara at 352 597-0119.
In Loving Memory…
Someone once said we all begin dying on the day we are born.
Those we care about most seem to leave us much too soon. It is with heavy hearts we must tell you that TLC’s friend and landlord, Ed Finertie, passed away in January. Ed was a great friend of TLC and his community. No one could ever replace Ed.
Barbara Lemoine, Ex. Director and board member
Angela Welsh, PR, Life Skill Classes, Board Secretary
Kit Raymond, House Mom and Board member
Chantelle Johnson, Web Specialist & board member
Pam Pollock, Board Treasurer
– TLC Mission Statement:
The Life Center of Hernando, Inc. will provide needed social services using a faith-based model, to parents of minor children in Hernando County and the surrounding areas. The services offered will promote self-sufficiency and independence. They will include, but not be limited to: residential living opportunities, life skills training, healthy family development, mentoring, spiritual and cultural guidance, community involvement, daycare services for residents and community children, education and training.
Volunteer of the Month for May 2014
THANK YOU to Elizabeth Lemoine for designing and painting panels and boxes to create a wonderful exterior play area at The Life Center’s Learning Center.

The colorful panels are protected by an awning and right next to the beautiful TLC playground and new sandbox. It’s a fantastic play area that will have everyone wishing they were 4 years old again.
It would never have been done without Liz and for all her continued efforts and input on behalf of
The Life Center, she is our Volunteer of the Month for May. Congrats Liz!
Newest TLC Board Member
Robin Cook graduated from Milford High School in Ohio in 1977 and worked in the blue-collar work force until 1990. In 1991, Robin opened an Interior Design company and ran it successfully for 22 years in Ohio and in Florida. In 2013, Grace World Outreach Church asked him to become their Director of Church Ministries.

Robin states that he is “Overjoyed to be working at the church full time and also serving on the Board at The Life Center.” Robin has been involved with The Life Center from the beginning but just recently joined the board. Married for 24 yrs. to Mary, they have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.
frAM RADIO 1450
Jerry Boutot of AppDataWorks, a TLC supporter, hosts Marketing Matters on WWJB – a weekly radio program that is focused on local small businesses. Listen in on WWJB – every Thursday at noon.
And thanks to Jerry – TLC will be one of his guests. Be sure to listen in every week on WWJB 1450 AM, 101.1 FM, and 103.9 FM in Brooksville – Thursdays @ 12!
Thank You! Turning Point Church of the Nazarene and Pastor Wayne Augustine. Pastor Wayne is very supportive and offers counseling and Bible study to our residents.
Turning Point recently pitched in to replace a worn-out breaker and to repair the handicap rail on our ramp, making our residents feel safer and well cared for. They also provide a room for our monthly meetings.
We appreciate having them as partners.
Thank you, Local Business Supporters!
* Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now continues to manage TLC’s face book page. Keeley runs the premier website for things to do in Hernando County. Want to know what’s going on? Check out any of the following sites:
*Jerry Boutot at AppDataWorks is providing needed assistance with the TLC website. ADW is a Professional Consulting Services company specializing in the development of high-quality custom computer software, databases, web sites, web applications, online branding, social media and online marketing frameworks. Call Jerry at 352-610-9890 for all your tech needs.
*Sun Trust Bank picked TLC for a day of volunteering. They came and repaired a soft spot in our ramp and did some much-needed painting.
*Walmart Distribution Center employee Kelsey Austin participates in their volunteer program that matches funds to volunteer hours. This doubles the support for TLC –definitely a win-win situation.
*Thank you to Mary Kay Representative Anastasia Alaimo for coming to the Mother’s Day Party and giving 4 attendees free make-overs! This is the 2nd time Mary Kay has donated time and talent to TLC. We cannot thank them enough. To learn about Mary Kay products, call Anastasia at 352.427.1376
*Jennifer Soccorso, owner of The Butterfly Bakery right here in Spring Hill, donated her beautifully decorated and delicious cupcakes for our party. The kids loved them!
Visit the bakery at 12138 Rockford Street, SH 34608. Tele.352.835.2683 www.butterflybakery.net
*The Mothers Club of Hernando provided hygiene items and gift baskets for our mothers.
*Belk supports our community by giving back through their Charity Sale. They say, “Shop, Save, and Support Education, Woman’s Health and Community.” Once again, TLC participated and was blessed.
*Glen Lakes Garden Club strongly believes in helping children. They recently designated their Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show as a fund raiser for TLC. Everyone had fun and the Garden Club presented TLC with a generous check. Check out the pictures from the day in the TLC Photo Gallery.
*Chicks in the Wind is a woman’s riding group that rides to support our community and charities. They arrived at our residence on their motorcycles on Easter weekend. Because they love TLC and the children, they brought along a baby pig. Our 5-year-old is still pretending to be a future Chick. Check out the pictures from the day in the TLC Photo Gallery.
*Hernando Fire and Safety waived their fee when our insurance company said it was time for our annual fire extinguisher check. The usual cost is $25, but even that reasonable fee would have made a dent in our budget. 1109 Ponce De Leon Blvd Brooksville, FL 34601
352 796-4433
*Debra Purdy is a copper artist who travels to major art shows all across the eastern US, and whose artwork is hung in the Florida Governor’s Mansion. Debra supports what we do, and she made a financial contribution. www.copperartbydebra.com
*Thank you John Ehlenbeck, Sonia Jackson and all the members Brooksville Ridge Kiwanis for their generous cash donation! Kiwanis impacts so many needy organizations and TLC is blessed to be one of them.
*Teresa Watson from the Hernando County Community Anti-Drug Coalition encouraged TLC in our fledgling attempts to learn to write a grant. Her encouragement gave us a push in the right direction. To learn more about the HCCAC visit: www.hernandoantidrug.org
Thank You Community Members!
*Carol Greig and Jennifer Sorroco for donating a huge carton of party goods for the residents to use for parties. It was a generous and thoughtful way to give to the residents and to empower them at the same time! Carol and her daughter Jennifer, our cupcake angel, have also volunteered to help with birthdays at The Little House. Angels do exist!
Glen Lakes Garden Club Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show, April 4, Glen Lakes Country Club. TLC was honored to be their “Charity of the Year for 2014.”

1.Ann Frankel, Glen Lakes Charity Coordinator

2.The Glen Lakes Ballroom – filled with gift baskets for charity! 3.From left: Barbara Lemoine and Angela Welsh, TLC and Gail Anderson, President of the Glen Lakes Garden Club presenting a generous check to TLC.
TLC Mother’s Day Celebration 2014

1.From Left: TLC members Kit Raymond & Barbara Lemoine enjoying the festivities with Brianna and Ashley – former TLC residents and their children.

Juggling babies!

Cupcakes donated by
The Butterfly Bakery

Easter @ TLC with Chicks in the Wind

Easter Blessings! Chicks in the Wind and TLC Residents at The Little House,
Trish, Toni & Barbara from
Chicks in the Wind

Trish and Pork Chop!
Easter Blessings! Chicks in the Wind and TLC Residents at The Little House, 2014 2. Trish, Toni & Barbara from Chicks in the Wind 3. Trish and Pork Chop!
Fall 2014
Mission Statement: The Life Center of Hernando, Inc. will provide needed social services using a faith-based model, to parents of minor children in Hernando County and the surrounding areas. The services offered will promote self-sufficiency and independence. They will include, but not be limited to: residential living opportunities, life skills training, healthy family development, mentoring, spiritual and cultural guidance, community involvement, daycare services for residents and community children, education and training.
Feed a Child with Old Shoes
Soon Hernando County will have the opportunity to:
“Give Shoes to feed a family.” “Keep your money.” “Keep shoes out of landfills.” “Empower 3rd world families.” “Protect the environment.” “Clean out your closet.” “Help feed a child.” “Raise money for TLC.”
How does this win-win situation work?
Your old shoes will support micro-enterprises in impoverished Haiti, Ghana, Nicaragua, Togo, Honduras, Swaziland, Guatemala, Bolivia, Tanzania, Botswana, Bolivia, Benin, Zambia and Senegal. People there will go through a free training program on running their own shoe business. They receive free shoes to begin their business.
After the business has been established, they can purchase more shoes at a very low cost. This enables them to increase their income and pay for education, housing, food, clothing, etc.
This helps people become self-sufficient. AND, TLC will get paid 40 cents a pound for helping. Please start saving your shoes.
Any kind. Every Pair.
Tell Everyone!
For information on this great fundraising opportunity, please visit our website @ www.lifecenterofhernando.com
It’s good for the sole!
It’s HYI Time of Year Again!
Please RSVP today to attend the Seventh Annual Summit for Youth & Families. This year it will be held at Northcliffe Baptist Church Family Center.
The new space is truly impressive! Former TLC resident Ashley Rodriguez has started filming the TLC presentation. She will be getting feedback from our new house mother Ruth Mendez who has a video production background. There is room for the first 250 who RSVP, so make your reservations now.
Send your RSVP to: HernandoYouth Initiative @gmail.com
The FREE event will be held on Friday, October 17th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Registration and refreshments start at 8 a.m. This is a great opportunity to network with the most committed, caring individuals and businesses from our community. We expect a “best ever” event so please join us. Help spread the word to those who would benefit by being there.
TLC Volunteers of the Month
June 2014: Pastor Wayne Augustine, Turning Point Church
Pastor Wayne and his wife, Mary, provide group and one-on-one faith-based counseling to the residents of The Little House, The Life Center’s residence in Brooksville. Pastor Wayne graduated from Taylor University with an Education degree and a major in math and physics and earned his Master’s Degree in Guidance & Counseling from Edinboro University. In 1967 he answered a call to work as Director at W. L. D. Ranch, a ministry of the Federated Church in East Springfield, Pennsylvania. Wayne served the ministry over the next twenty-six years. Wayne also taught math and provided marriage and family counseling through the church for his congregation and other churches as well. Wayne and his wife Mary developed and conducted the Family Foundations Seminar, a ministry to help families discover and deal with root problems from a Biblical basis.
July 2014: Jennifer Socorrso
“First and foremost, I am a Christian and I believe that it is my calling to serve God. My calling is to be an educator and advocate of children. I have had the privilege of teaching in Hernando County since 2001. Hernando County has been my forever home and where I chose to raise my three boys. In addition to teaching, I also own a mobile cupcake business,www.ButterflyBakery.net." Jennifer is a full-time teacher at Deltona Elementary and received her Bachelor and Master's Degree in Education. Jennifer is the Team Lead for the TLC Life Skill committee and is currently working on improving the Life Skill course curriculum
August 2014: Brandi Hill
Brandi is our new Donations Director and has been working diligently on improving the donations in-take process to be more efficient and organized. Read more about Brandi’s efforts below in Team Member Updates.
“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” ~Author Unknown
TLC Team Member Updates
Several TLC volunteers have assumed more responsible positions:
Brandi Hill - Donations Director
Ruth Mendez - House Mother
Jennifer Soccorso - Life Skills Coordinator
Priscilla and Harry Brand - Maintenance Team
Angela Welsh - In charge of thanking donors
Ashley Rodriguez - Banquet Coordinator
Diana Stout - Grant Writer
The Life Center of Hernando has a new Donations Director. Welcome to TLC’s team, Brandi Hill. Brandi will be responsible for keeping track of all donations that come to TLC. She sorts items, records them, assigns a value, and offers them to moms in need. She arranges to sell the items we don’t currently need. The money raised will help pay the expenses of running the shelter. No money will go for salaries since currently we are all volunteers.
Please call Brandi to arrange to donate. Her contact information is brandisbags@gmail.com.
Brandi, together with board member Kit Raymond, is looking at real estate options to open a thrift store for TLC. If you are aware of a busy and affordable location, please contact her.
The Life Center of Hernando would like to introduce our new live-in house mother. Welcome to TLC’s team, Ruth Mendez. TLC has been sheltering families without a live-in house mom, but everyone knows things run smoother when mom is home. Ruth will be overseeing housework, mentoring residents, and even painting some walls.
The Life Center of Hernando is proud to welcome Jennifer Soccorso, our new Life Skills Coordinator, as part of TLC’s team. Jennifer will be assisting Angela Welsh as Life Skills Coordinator in charge of curriculum development and twice a year recognition of residents for progress made in these classes. One of Jennifer’s first acts was to purchase “Brain Pop,” an online education resource for K-12 grades that can be used by the residents and their children.
The Life Center of Hernando is delighted that Ashley Rodriguez is our new Banquet Coordinator as part of TLC’s team. She has found a location for our January 2015 banquet, as well as a group who will put on a play. She is looking for other performers and is currently seeking caterers for the banquet.
The Life Center of Hernando is excited to announce we have a new maintenance team: Priscilla and Harry Brand. They read last month’s newsletter in their doctor’s office and immediately volunteered. They arrived at the shelter that afternoon and installed the new dishwasher. Then they got really busy checking out some plumbing and electrical issues. Since that time, they have provided several items on our wish list and presented TLC with a lawn mower.
Angela Welsh has taken on yet another responsibility, and is now doing all thank you cards, phone calls, and emails. Thank you, Angela. Here at TLC we always want to properly thank individuals for their generosity. We may have missed saying "thank you" to a few folks in the past and we want to correct that.
We are very grateful for all the help we get. Please leave your contact information with any items you drop off. You may not need the recognition, but we like to keep in touch with all our supporters. Thanks!
The Life Center of Hernando is happy to welcome Candida Rosado to the TLC team. As the new Assistant Life Skills volunteer, Candida will be assisting with childcare during Life Skill Classes. It is difficult for an instructor to teach with little children running and yelling and demanding. Naturally, our children never do that, but they can still benefit from extra attention while mom is busy.
The Life Center of Hernando is very thankful to announce we have a new grant writer. Diana Stout. Diana is highly qualified, and we are excited to have her on our TLC team. We have noticed an interesting and repeating pattern: we see a job that needs doing--a job we have never done before. We do our best and muddle through somewhat successfully. Suddenly, a new volunteer comes along who is well qualified for the job and begins to help. It has happened again!
TLC News
Speaking of Grants...
We are beginning to master our fear of writing grants. We wrote and submitted several small grants recently. We were awarded four of them for a total of $1,750. We did not know we had that ability! The Board of County Commissioners has also recommended TLC for a grant, and we are very excited about that possibility. This money will help TLC expand our program and help more young women and families in year.
Speaking of Expansion...
There has been a major shift in the proposed use of our second building. We recently doubled our total capacity by partitioning one large room, so now we have six bedrooms. Each mom will still have her own room to share with her children. Conditions are crowded; make no mistake, but the need for services continues to grow.
The Life Center is the only facility in Hernando County that offers transitional housing with long-term, wrap-around support for single moms and their children.
Thank You Business Supporters!
The TLC Building – Kitchen Ready!
*Jerry Boutot at AppDataWorks continues to provide major assistance with the TLC website. TLC’s Twitter & facebook now automatically update from website posts. Check it out at: lifecenterofhernando.com.
*ADW is a Professional Consulting Services company. Contact Jerry at www.adwsoft.com or (352)593-5825.
*Butler Computer provides expert service on Windows PCs. Visit them at 3021 Commercial Dr, Spring Hill, or call (352)584-0072 for all your computer repair needs.
Osmond Printing, Inc. provides commercial printing, printers, supplies, and equipment. Stop by 710 S. Main St, Brooksville, or call (352)848-0016
*R Beach is one of Hernando’s best night spots. The restaurant/ bar facility delivers a great dining experience in an atmosphere that successfully combines friendship, music, dance and fun. They have excellent banquet facilities. Located at 4054 Shoal Line Blvd, Hernando Beach. (352)592-5556
Thank You Churches & Community Organizations
*Turning Point Church is gracious enough to let us use their fellowship hall for our meetings. The church address is 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 34601. This location is north of the fairgrounds off 41. Park in the church parking lot, face the church, and enter the small building on your right. TLC Team Meetings are every 3rd Tuesday at 6:30PM – Join Us!
*People Helping People – a non-profit interfaith organization that provide necessities to impoverished people in the community will be working with TLC to supplement nutritional needs at our residences. Thank You! For more info on this great org, visit them at www.phpinhc.org
*Victorious Life Church is a multicultural full-gospel church with services in English and Spanish and a food pantry after Sunday services. LOVE-ACCEPT-FORGIVE. Visit at 18924 County Line Road Spring Hill or call 352.799.2821.
*Pay it Forward Farm is interested in growing a community of educated, compassionate families. Email christine@payitforwardfarm.org or call 727-378-5331.
*Kiwanis Club of Brooksville Ridge members work together to achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things happen. Sonya Jackson and John Ehlenbeck and their group support TLC and many other groups in Hernando. To learn more or join, visit them at www.kiwanisofbrooksvilleridge.com
*The Dawn Center – a local domestic violence shelter continues to support TLC and its residents.
Thank you Shannon Sokolowksi, Kelly Cochran and Shannon Jordan!
To learn more about The Dawn Center, visit www.dawncenter.org
Thank You for the Support – Great & Small
*Carol Grieg *Renee M. *Ashley Rodriquez *Dawn Easter *Angela Welsh *Suzi Chandler *Susie MacKenzie *Silvia Vadell *Star Browne *Lynda Cowger *Tom and Sandy Park *Kit Raymond *Pam Pollock *Kristina Lemoine *Harry and Priscilla Brand
*Ron and Barbara Lemoine *Robin Cook *Robin Watler *Anna Murphy *Janice Rebitt *Grace Gordon *Mike and Daisy Gonzalez *Randy and Cindy Pardue *Denise Tootles *Liane Zircon *Scott and Michelle HIlton *Fran Poland
Life Skill Instructors:
*Michelle Willis
*Jennifer Soccorso
*Robin McAndrews
*Sophia Watson
*Victoria Jones
*Olivia Smith
*Maria Smith
*Kelly Cochran, Dawn Center
*Tamara Slayton
*Kelly Presler, Regions Bank
TLC Wish List
Week after week and month after month, TLC counts on the generosity of our community to keep going. Below are the current needs. Please help!
Monthly support
VCR and tape cleaner
Floor lamps
Broom and mop holder (2)
Crock pot with lid
Mattress protectors (twin)
Toasters (2)
Full length mirrors
Kid’s clothing up to size 6
Craft items
Gift cards for undies, shoes, birthday gifts
Gas cards & bus tokens
Batteries: AAA to D
Memory stick to create e-baby books
Box fans for bedrooms (6)
White yarn
Cleaning Supplies/ laundry soap/ bleach
Paper Towels, Toilet paper
Aluminum foil, Plastic wrap
Hygiene items: shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene
Tarps for Hurricane preparation
Duct tape for hurricane preparation
$25 sponsorships for new moms to open a banking account.
Feeling Really Generous?
Perhaps you have a building you could consider letting TLC use to expand our residential program or to start a thrift store.
Or maybe you have a vehicle you can donate for TLC use. Transportation remains our biggest need.
Perhaps you have a less reliable vehicle that really belongs in our vehicle donation program. You can donate any kind of vehicle with a title--running or not. http://www.donationline.comthelifecenterofhernando.htm
Planning ahead? Consider The Life Center of Hernando in your estate planning
Volunteers Needed!
Pray for TLC
Reinforce soft spots in the floor
Check the A/C duct under the building
Mentor our moms
Become a mother’s helper and read to a child
Weed the playground
Create a raised garden bed
Invite a resident & her child to: a meal, a movie, a swim, a special event, a family gathering, an outing, a walk, the library, shopping or church.
Offer professional services: dental, haircuts, manicures.
Become an assistant Life Skill teacher on Tuesday or Thursday evening
Be a guest speaker for one Life Skill Class
Help resident create Life Books (baby books), traditional or electronic
Invite someone from TLC to do a presentation at your club or church.
Arrange to tell about TLC’s shoe drive in your church bulletin
Share this newsletter with a friend.
Ask your group/club to organize a fund raiser for TLC
TLC Gives Back
If you can’t help us, perhaps we can help you. Sign Up for a FREE TLC Life Skill Class. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursday 7-8 pm. Be all you can be with TLC!
Contact Angela Welsh 917 578 6954 & angela.thelifecenter@yahoo.com.
Are you a young mom in need of help? Do you know a young mom who needs help? Call The Life Center at 352 597-0119. We can’t help everyone, and everyone is not a good match for our program, but we can pray with you and offer you whatever we have.
What Does a Life Skill Instructor Do?
Life Skill classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday evening, but each instructor commits to only one class a month. When there is no instructor, the residents use www.universalclass.com, a free, online class provided via the Hernando County Library system portal.
A recent class was Hurricane Preparedness. Residents have now learned the importance of setting aside provisions and supplies on a weekly basis.
Where Does the Money Come From?
TLC volunteers recently set up a table outside Walmart. They handed out newsletters and took in donations. We will have the opportunity to have a second fundraising table at the Walmart on Cortez/50 in October.
The Happy Happy Hippos Consignment Sale was an enormous amount of work, but it was also a financial success. We are so grateful to everyone who participated.
The board is pleased to announce we now have three people who have made monthly pledges. We are so grateful for every pledge that we can apply to our projected expenses. We would love to increase that number.
Where Does the Money Go?
Purchases: keyless lock, trash can, toilet paper, laundry soap
Recurring expenses: utilities, filing fees, and insurance
Maintenance: electrical breakers, paint supplies
Where it does not go: salaries (we are not against it, we just can’t afford it.)
We Would Like to Diversify our Revenue Stream
Will your church support TLC as a home mission?
Will your business do a benefit for TLC?
Will you ask your rich uncle to make a monthly pledge?
Will you ask your rich aunt to consider TLC in her estate planning?
Will you ask your friends and families to pledge monthly support?
If you helped us build the building, will you pledge financial help?
If you donated clothing, diapers or household items, will you pledge?
Meet Anna
Anna’s story has been appearing weekly on our Facebook page - www.lifecenterofhernando.com
Anna is a fictional character who faces many of the same life experiences and struggles as some of the moms in our shelter. Anna allows us to tell you about what it feels like to be a young single mom who is facing homelessness.
She experiences the trials and joys of life in the same way some of our residents have. Anna allows us to talk about life in the shelter without violating our residents' privacy. All the episodes are fictional. All the characters are made up. All the names are false. The story is real.
TLC Photo Gallery

Concentrating hard at TL

The Learning Tree at the LC Building
Learning is a group activity at the TLC! Ashley Rodriguez, a former resident, teaches Spanish to TLC little ones

The Life Center of Hernando
Phone: 352 597 0119 Email: thelifecenterfl@gmail.com Address: P.O. Box 1141, Brooksville, FL 34603
TLC Team Meetings held on the 3rd Tuesday/Month Turning Point Church Fellowship Hall 19384 Ingram Street Brooksville Join Us!
TLC Board
Barbara Lemoine, Executive Director
Angela Welsh, Secretary and PR Officer
Kit Raymond, Editor
Pam Pollock, Treasurer
Robin Cook, Spiritual Advisor

The Life Center of Hernando’s October 2014 Newsletter is here. TLC’s First Monthly E-Newsletter. That’s right. You are reading The Life Center of Hernando’s first monthly e-newsletter. We hope you like the approach and that it keeps you better connected to TLC. Think of it as a quick drop-in or a mini break in your busy schedule. Our goals are to be more personal, productive, and long term.
We want you to experience TLC’s personality, promises, and values in a rich, close way. This issue of your e-newsletter deals with finances, so we have to tell you about the newest fund raiser. We are not asking for money. We are asking for old shoes. That’s right. Your “trash” will be our “treasure.” See below for more info.
But first…
Who Are We Anyway?
We are a group of hometown volunteers who provide residential services for young single mothers and their children. Leadership is provided by our board:
· Barbara Lemoine, Executive Director · Angela Welsh, Secretary and PR Officer · Kit Raymond, Editor · Pam Pollock, Treasurer · Robin Cook, Spiritual Advisor

What Does TLC’s Board do?
Currently the board is working on rewriting TLC’s Policy and Procedures Manual. But mainly the board has to figure out where the money will come from, where it will go, and how to avoid running out of it. The board recently pre-approved a list of 31 items that TLC routinely provides for our residents: everything from toothpaste to toilet paper. Now these items can be purchased as needed without delay. The Board also approved a second list of items needed for special projects providing there is funding.
Shoe Drive! The Life Center of Hernando is joining forces with Funds2Org.com, a world help org that supports micro enterprises in impoverished nations around the world. The shoes are sent to people who participate in a free training program on how to run their own little business selling the shoes. And earn income that pays for education, housing, food and clothing. We believe that a HAND-UP is more beneficial than the HAND-OUT because it teaches people how to be self-sufficient.

And The Life Center earns money on the number of bags of shoes collected. What to learn more or help? Shoes are good. Cash is also nice. On September 9, 2014 our new grant writer, Diana Stout, was invited to appear before The Board of County Commissioners with a 5 minute presentation on TLC.
The Hernando Board of County Commissioners had recommended TLC for a grant, and we are very excited about that possibility. We hope to hear good news soon. If awarded, this money will help TLC expand its program, helping more young women and families.
Thank You! Any time someone makes a donation of any kind to TLC, we want to acknowledge that person and let everyone know how much we appreciate the support. TLC is a community project. When our volunteers and donors have an idea, we want to hear it. We want to thank each new donor and invite each one to become more deeply involved in our organization. Perhaps you already helped TLC without realizing it.
United Way recently held this year’s 8th Annual Stuff the Bus, gathering supplies for school children. TLC asked for and received art and writing supplies. The preschoolers in our shelter were delighted and are making good use of the items. Thanks to all who supported United Way and thanks to United Way for blessing TLC’s youngest residents.
Life Center’s Legacy Society
As we all know, riches are not evenly distributed. Some people stretched their budget buying a box of crayons to help stuff the bus. Others have more resources. We appreciate both kinds of givers. If you are someone who can give freely, we have a new Legacy Society we invite you to join.
In March 2013, the Life Center opened its doors to welcome our first pregnant mother and her two toddlers. She said,” Where would I have gone if you weren’t here?” Indeed, where else can a young, pregnant woman in our county go when she has no home, skills or support system?
The Life Center began with one very small house. It has grown with the support of the community and people like you.
Perhaps you are someone who does not have a financial advisor because your finances are more modest, but you still want to support The Life Center with your finances. We have a program for you too.
You can become a TLC Monthly Pledger. During our first year we had one person faithfully making monthly pledges. She was a former board member who wanted to “prime the pump”. She never gave up and now we have tripled the number of pledgers. We have 3 people who contribute each and every month. This helps enormously when we our project our monthly budget.
We would love to increase the number of pledgers. Help us provide a new life for women and children. Join others in pledging your support. There are no minimums or upper limits. We are suggesting you prayerfully consider a pledge between $10 and $250 depending on your circumstances. All contributions to TLC to help support single, young moms and infants are tax deductible. Call Barbara Lemoine at 352 596 0119 to learn how to set up a monthly pledge or visit our website for more information – www.lifecenterofhernando.com
Vehicle Donation Program: Another way to help support TLC is by giving something huge you don’t really need any more. Maybe a vehicle. Or an old boat or mower. Motorcycle or Plane…. Click below to learn how.
Other Suggestions: Perhaps you have a building you could let TLC use to expand our residential program or to start a thrift store.
Why do we need a thrift store? It would generate income and provide employment. Lots of very generous people donate items to TLC. Selling directly from our residence creates problems and we just don’t have enough storage space. When donations come in we give our moms in residence first choice. Then we offer items to the public. If there is still a surplus, we sell it. We need a thrift store.
We hope you enjoy our new monthly newsletter format. Our motto in 2014 is “Excellence Before Expansion” and we believe the newsletter is helping to promote those efforts. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions regarding TLC.
We’d love to hear from you!
Contact Information Phone: 352 597 0119 Email: thelifecenterfl@gmail.com Address:
New PO Box 10141 Brooksville, FL 34603 Web: www.lifecenterofhernando.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheLifeCenterOfHernando Twitter: https://twitter.com/barb_lemoine?refsrc=email
Team meetings: 6:30 PM 3rd Tues. each month 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville
It is November already. Soon our thoughts will be on turkeys, pumpkin pies and family we don’t see nearly often enough.
Here at The Life Center of Hernando, we have a very special reason to be thankful. On October 17, 2014, we went to the law offices of Johnston and Sasser and signed papers making us the legal owners of our very own building. We still operate the Little House, which means we have doubled the number of young single-parent families we can shelter. There are a couple of pre-existing issues concerning the floor and the A/C we now have to address. By blessing us with this property, the family of the late Ed Finertie has guaranteed his good works will continue. This legacy will keep on giving to future

Speaking of the next generation, Madison Harrison is a young lady you will want to keep an eye on. She attended the recent Hernando Youth Initiative Summit and was a surprise speaker for the newly formed Fish Tank.
Fish Tank is the Entrepreneurial Initiatives Committee of the Hernando Youth Initiative who looks for students and residents who dream of developing new and innovative products or owning a business. They discovered Madison and asked her to speak at the HYI Summit. The problem was— she was too short! This charming seven-year-old just hopped up on a chair and delivered her short, sweet speech. Check out photoswithmadison@aol.com She is already a giant in our eyes and still growing.
Speaking of giants, there are some folks at First United Methodist Church who have giant hearts. Inspired by Beth Donaldson, they have collected bags and bags of shoes to benefit TLC as well as start-up businesses in third world countries.

Beth Donaldson
Drop off sites for all kinds of shoes include these locations:
Hernando Beach: R/Tates on 3222 Shoal Line Blvd.
Spring Hill: First United Methodist Church, 9344 Spring Hill Dr. 352.683.2600
The Fundraiser runs through November and ends 11/30. Still lots of time to clean out your closets and ask your family members and friends to do the same. You’ll feel pounds lighter and have a clean closet ready for hiding holiday gifts.
It will be Christmas before we know it. Don’t miss the very special Life Center room on December 16th at the May Stringer Heritage Museum located at 601 Museum Ct. Brooksville, FL 34601. TLC’s own Angela Welsh is heading up a group to decorate the “Doctor’s Office”.
May Stringer Museum

Call the May Stringer Museum for ticket and additional information: 352-799-0129
TLC has a new volunteer who offered to staff the table at Belk’s Charity Sale Event November 8th. There’s still time to get in on tremendous savings and support worthy causes. Tickets are $5.00 each. Savings up to 70% off name-brands. Private sale! Call Barbara Lemoine @ 352 597 0119.
Team work works
We are so grateful for extra hands. We are growing so fast, it is difficult to cover all the needs. If you would like to help, come join us. We especially need your help if you can help repair a floor or an A/C unit or if you are a notary who can come to us. But if not, we still would love to have you join us; if you stick around, we will find a job for you!
TLC Team Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm. Come to our next meeting on 11/18/2014 and find out what is happening at TLC. Get more involved. Find out how you can help. Meetings are informal. Turning Point Church is gracious enough to let us use their dining hall for our meetings and are located at 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 34601, just north of the fairgrounds off 41. Park in the church parking lot, face the church, and come to the small building on your right.
As The Life Center of Hernando grows and prospers, we are meeting many new people who share our passion for helping young, single moms. Even if you cannot volunteer for anything at this time, we would love to meet you. Come join us – you will be glad you did! Please call Barbara @ 352 597-0119 if you have any questions. See you there!
Meanwhile, check out our website and Facebook page:
It’s the season to count our blessings, bless others and remember it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Here at The Life Center of Hernando we are currently housing three young mothers and their children. We could have room to help two additional families, but our second building still needs floboring anded still more help in the form of handymen volunteers and money for materials. a/c and heating repairs before it is safe. We have had one generous donation from Giveboom, but we ne

Residents Making Progress
Our residents are like family to us. Naturally we want the very best for them. We mourn with them when things go horribly wrong and we rejoice with them when they succeed. When they advance their education, we couldn’t be happier or prouder. All three adults are either in school or have just completed an on-line course, bringing them closer to financial independence. In addition to her schooling, one resident now has a job and a car. Hallelujah! In Hernando County lack of transportation is a huge road block to success. Unfortunately TLC isn’t able to provide transportation for our residents. The car was a special gift to our resident from a generous friend of TLC.
Kids Without a Home
Homeless kids at Christmas paints a sad picture. Kids in a shelter at Christmas is a little better, but not a lot. The fact that a family is in shelter, tells you they have faced tough times. Often there has been abuse, disability of a wage earner, or lack of family support. Last week TLC had to turn away a mom who was currently living in her car with her 2 year old. Yes, that happened right here in Hernando County. This is heart wrenching for us, but our facility didn’t have room–and won’t have until we can repair the floors and HVAC in our second building. That child is just one of the number of homeless children in the U.S. Nationally one child in every 30 is homeless. The National Center on Family Homelessness calculates that nearly 2.5 million American children were homeless at some point in 2013. We can’t help them all, but we can help some. We can help those in the TLC shelter.
Christmas Wish Lists
This year we created four different kinds of lists
Shelter Wish List
Items for our facility do not have to be new. They can be donated as in-kind or with a designated cash offering. Items that would bless our shelter for a long time to come include:
A/C and heating repair costs
Money for flooring material
Two broom and mop holders
One crock pot with lid
Two twin sized mattress protectors
Crib sheets
6 Full length light weight mirrors to hang on bedroom doors
5 floor lamps for the bedrooms
Batteries: AAA to D (emergency flashlights)
Garden trowel
Six fans for the bedrooms
A building donated for expansion
A vehicle/insurance/gas cards for transporting residents
Mom Wish List
The second list would bless our moms. They put their Children first every day, but especially at Christmas. Moms are people too. Let’s remember them.
Monthly pledge to help with program fees
Size 4/5 diapers (Kids do not want this for a gift, but moms do!)
Craft items moms can share with their kids
Gift cards for undies, shoes, birthday gifts
Gas cards
Six memory sticks to create e-baby books
$25 Sponsorships for new moms to open a banking account
Kids Wish List
A five year old girl wants gifts that do NOT say, “girly girl”
A two year old boy wants boy toys
A one year old boy loves empty boxes, but please fill it!
Elder Wish List
Anna, our knitter of baby blankets, wants white yarn. This 80 something volunteer would be so blessed if she got white yarn for Christmas to make the baby blankets she loves to give away.
Other TLC News
TLC Team Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Come to our next meeting on 12/16/2014 and find out what is happening at TLC. Starting in Jan. the new meeting time will begin one hour later at 7:30. Join us and find out how you can help. Turning Point Church allows us to use their dining hall for our meetings. It is located at 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 3460, just north of the fairgrounds off 41. Park in the church parking lot, face the church, and come to the small building on your right.
As The Life Center of Hernando grows and prospers, we are meeting many new people who share our passion for helping young, single moms. Even if you cannot volunteer for anything at this time, we would love to meet you. Come join us – you will be glad you did! Please call Barbara @ 352 597-0119 if you have any questions. See you there!
Contact Information:
Phone: Barbara 352 597 0119
Email: thelifecenterfl@gmail.com
Address:PO Box 10141 Brooksville,FL 34603
Team meetings:3rd Tues. 19384 Ingram St. BKS.
Check out our website and Facebook page:
TLC Mother’s Day Celebration

Christy Plants planned and carried out a combined Volunteer Appreciation and Mother’s Day party on Saturday, May 10th with her usual excellence. There were gifts for all the past and present residents, including the children. There were hamburgers, hot dog and side dishes. There were professionally decorated cupcakes, cold drinks, freshly grilled meat and plenty of good company. Every person brought a very special to blessing to TLC and there were far reaching and unexpected results.
It was a blessing to have former residents attend and share their gratitude for TLC. The fact they want to “pay back” says volumes about their gratitude and the success of the program.
We would not have been blessed by their words if Christy had not put together this celebration.
As a result of the celebration:
Our mothers were honored for the great job they do.
Jerry Boutot from AppDataWorks updated us on our website and will be providing an employee to make our web site even more user friendly.
Angela Welsh was invited to do a radio spot.
A new volunteer offered to mentor a resident.
We have a lead on another building for expansion.
Two former residents (plus a friend) offered to plan a fund raising banquet.
Four ladies got Mary Kay facials.
In Their Voice:
“My 2 children and I moved into TLC in March of 2013. I was about 7 months pregnant with my now, 10 month old baby. I was previously residing in a domestic violence shelter called the Dawn Center and my time was just about up there when The Life Center took me in. Living in TLC gave me a great sense of peace knowing that I was somewhere safe where I didn’t have to worry about paying bills while I was finishing school to get my Microsoft Certification.”
“I really enjoyed the life skills classes TLC offered me. Although I had previous knowledge about some class subjects that were brought up, I really learned a lot of new criteria that help me make adjustments in my life to prioritize.”
“One thing I was extremely grateful for was the fact that TLC gave me the time I needed after giving birth to recover and spend time with my precious newborn blessing.”
“During the time I was in The Life Center I accomplished things that changed the course of my life. I received a Microsoft Office Specialist Expert Certification through Biztech Clearwater Career Center; I attained a job at Mid Florida Community Services, Inc. Head Start; and I was able to move forward in life and accomplish my goal of being self-sufficient, getting own apartment and providing for my children.”
:I can now say from the depths of my spirit and soul that I am happy and that the Lord Jesus Christ and TLC played a major role of me getting to that point.”
Ashley is a former TLC resident and will be working with TLC on fundraising activities. We are blessed to have her in the TLC Family.