Hello everyone and Happy Valentine’s Day to you all.
We have some wonderful, long awaited news to tell you!
After several weeks of bizarre delays, and a series of most unfortunate events, The Life Center of Hernando passed our final inspection, and we are now allowed to occupy the building!
We CAN occupy it, but we are waiting for the electrical company to hook up the house. That may happen even before you finish reading this.
We are very excited! Right from the beginning, the whole project looked almost impossible. Was there ever going to be enough money, supplies or labor to do all the necessary work on the Little House?
A handful of people thought it could be done, but most of the rest of the world just shook their heads and walked away. Some of us are now saying, “This is the house that God (re)built.” Certainly, it could never have been rebuilt without all the many, many blessings from the community.
In one newsletter, we said it was like the old story of “Stone Soup” when the traveler began with nothing but a stone and was able to create a delicious meal for the entire village because so many folks brought what they had to contribute. The poor Little House only had 3 exterior walls and roof that could be salvaged. You, the community, brought lumber, electrical, plumbing, A/C, and heating. You brought labor and a handicap ramp and drywall and paint. You brought appliances and furniture and dishes. You brought us hope on the days it seemed hopeless.
We cannot begin to thank Hernando County for all you did. Wait. Not quite right. Some friends from California and other places sent money and prayers our way. So, let’s try that again. We cannot begin to thank a whole lot of people for all you did. And it has only just begun.’
If you saw early pictures or visited in person, you may remember there was not even a floor. Now we have a tile floor. And on that beautiful new tile we have set up baby cribs complete with little stuffed toys. We can hardly wait to fill those cribs! The beds for the moms are all relay to go as well. Those beds are made with brand new sheet and bedspreads (more gifts).
The kitchen was pieced together and somewhat pathetic when we first “installed” our used cabinets. A paint job gave it more unified look and a generous carpenter-handyman filled in the spaces where the cabinets just did not quite fit. We have dishes, cooking utensils and table and chairs. Yesterday a dishwasher was “sent by God” to replace ours which turned out to be very defective.
We have blinds and curtains and towels in the linen closet. Sound homey? It is. It is done in what we like to call “eclectic patchwork.” In other words, we worked with what we had and made it do. It is not the Ritz. There are still a few improvements we need to make. One important one is to fix or replace our washing machine. Ours does not spin and we expect there will soon be many loads needing to be done.
So many people have asked what they can do to help. To be very honest, we have most items we need (see washing machine needs). Our need now is for financial support. We need about $800 a month to support 2 moms and their children. We are accepting one-time gifts and monthly pledges for $10 or more per month either as checks made out to The Life Center or by credit card on www.lifecenterofhernando.com.
We know it has been a while since our last newsletter and we apologize. We just couldn’t announce one more time that we were almost ready to open. Now we are open, but somewhat behind in our other news. Before we close, we need to add a note from our youth volunteer Albert Delgado. He is helping with our “volunteer of the month program.”
Here is his latest:
“For the month of December, the members of TLC would like to recognize Tim Lane. For his months of service of building the building of the littler house of The Life Center. And helping to make the path of our dream making it a reality in God’s time. Thank you, Tim, for your help and will be always pray for you.”
Albert Delgado
MARCH 2013
We Have Residents!
New Facebook Address:
Check it out! https://www.facebook.com/TheLifeCenterOfHernando
Thanks so much to Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now for her help in setting up and maintaining the new face book page for TLC. We love the new look and we love the new friends we have acquired as a result of this page. It gives us a chance to connect on a much more frequent basis. With pictures! Our apologies for any inconvenience cause by this change. Please continue to like us.
Technical Difficulties:
Speaking of pictures, Newsletter #14 was created using a new Quark program. It had a lot of lovely pictures. Unfortunately, it would not send. The sending part is vital to good communication, so we contacted a techie volunteer. She said, “You should have various options for size, resolution etc., within a dialog that is accessed from the ‘options’ button on the resulting file save window. Plus, you can change XPress’ preferences to save a .PS file for later distilling if you prefer to use Adobe’s engine for PDF creation”
WHAT???!!??? Even Google translator could not help with this. Therefore, go to the FB page if it’s pictures you want. By the way, we are looking for a volunteer to help create a new format for our newsletters. There is no money in the budget for this item, but we will say, “Thank you.” Obviously, we need help.
News from the Little House:
We interviewed young moms who needed transitional housing. We picked two. Both young women struck us as having a lot of potential. They both seem like the sort of person who will eventually become independent, self-sufficient, and capable of setting personal goals. Exactly what TLC is designed for. We will introduce these women and their children to you in a future newsletter. Let us let them settle in a little bit before then. Moving when you are pregnant or have young children is not easy!
Invitation This Saturday
At noon on 12/20/12 we held our official Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting ceremony. It was extremely well attended and very successful. Since then, we have learned that several of our readers wanted to attend but could not take time off from work in the middle of the week in the middle of the day. So, we are having another open house. This one will be even better. Better how? you ask. Better because now that the building is finished, it will not be necessary to climb over 2X4s and dodge wet paint.
Better because people live there now, and it is a real home (with cute cribs). Better because we are not asking for donations or gifts. No ticket required! Better because you do not have to dress up. You can wear your Sat. clothes. Better because we will have cake and even a few games for children. Better because you can just drop by anytime from 2-4 pm this Saturday, March 16, 2013. Better because the city provided us with our correct address:
Same location just north of the fairgrounds in Brooksville. Hope to see you there.
APRIL 2013
www.facebook.com/TheLifeCenterOfHernando is the address of our exciting new face book page. We strongly encourage you to check it out, “like” us and let us know what you think. We love being able to share the daily activities of our home as they happen. On face book we have been able to share news and pictures of our residents, fund raisers and immediate needs. We currently have over 1,050 readers which is a 54% increase this week. Thanks to Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now for hosting.
www.Lifecenterofhernando.com is the new address of our web page. Check it out to see our new logo. Let us know what you think.
You can still contact us with our old email address: ThelifecenterFL@gmail.com or by phone 352 597-0119. We love our new logo. Watch for it around town as we begin to distribute our new brochures and business cards. Thanks to Robert Gardner for his professional help with web designing.
We have several new volunteers. Our house mom, Mary Kay has been blessed with several volunteers to teach our life skill classes. With enough help, each volunteer will only need to teach once every 3 weeks.
Another volunteer is Anna who has been knitting baby blankets for us. Anna is well past the age of retirement, but still has a strong desire to give back to the community. Anna could fill her day with knitting, but she needs 4 ply yarns in any color in any amount. Naturally, she prefers kid friendly colors, but any color will do.
We have saved the best news for last. TLC has a building for our Early Learning Center! We could not be more thrilled or excited. It will be a place for our youngest residents to prepare to enter school and a place for a few of our resident moms to work. Thanks to Ed Finertie for his support. We need fencing and play equipment and skilled volunteers.
The Life Center is pleased to report that we are growing and evolving daily. Unfortunately, we lost our house mother who left to pursue her education. Mary Kay Schenk did a wonderful job assisting the Executive Director in getting The Little House open and our Life Skill Classes in place. One of The Little House residents is acting as lead resident and the board has an open line of communication and a series of weekly reviews are in place.
We are now able to offer some assistance to families with babies or young children. If you need help, please call Barbara at 352 597-0119. We are sorry we cannot help with utility bills. Interviews to fill the 3rd bedroom are on-going so if you know about a pregnant woman or mother of young child(ren) living in an unstable situation please have her call.
The Life Skill Classes are free, on-going, and open to the public. We thank all our volunteer instructors for their input and time. We plan to continue these classes and are adding more classes to meet the needs of our community. We need more volunteers to act as back up instructors. If you’re interested in assisting or taking a class, please call Angela Welsh at 917 578 6954 for more information.
Much work and energy has gone into making the Early Learning Center a reality. The location has a new floor thanks in great part to the building’s owner, Ed Finertie. Walls are being painted and the place is just about ready. Barbara Lemoine, with the assistance and grace of Robin Gratton (a volunteer from Career Central) and her two daughters Ashley and Reanna, worked tirelessly to get the building ready and it has really paid off. The playground area is being worked on based on state code requirements.
Fundraising Events:
In May, Monster Transmission and Chick Filet sponsored The Life Center at one of the weekly Cruise Ins and we had a great time meeting the folks from Monster Transmission and Chick Fillet and our generous community members. We look forward to doing a Cruise In once a year and hope you all can join us next time.
We are reaching out to local businesses to sponsor TLC for a fund raiser day in which a percentage of profit goes to TLC. If you have a business or can recommend a business to us that would be interested in holding a fund raiser day, please let us know. In return, TLC will post the event on our Facebook page, on our web page and a news item will be sent to our contacts at local newspapers and newsletters.
Speaking of which, our Facebook page has become very popular because of the daily posting created by Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now website, a local on-line newsletter. Please visit our page @ www.facebook.com/TheLifeCenterOfHernando and support Keeley’s efforts. Her postings are interesting and cover more than just TLC news – well worth tuning in.
Over the past month our public relations efforts have started to pay off. There were mentions of TLC in the Tampa Bay Times Support column as well as their on-line site and both Coffee Time and the Time Weekly, local newsletters, featured articles about TLC. We will continue to reach out to local venues to gain support and awareness for The Life Center, The Little House and The Early Learning Center.
The Early Learning Center needs fencing to meet county and state code requirements – so if anyone can assist us in getting to fence around the playground, it will be greatly appreciated! We are still in need of preschool items such as small chairs, play kitchen, puzzles, and nap mats.
What is The Life Center of Hernando?
The Life Center is a unique home that takes in young single moms who are at risk of becoming homeless. It provides a sense of belonging through family-style living. These moms are often lacking the personal and parenting skills to be self-sufficient as a young family. This non-profit charity provides the necessary resources to guide these young moms towards independence.
The Life Center recognizes the fact that if the needs of these young moms are not met, the children may be at greater risk for abuse and neglect, the mother at risk for substance misuse and the family at risk for homelessness. The success of The Life Center ultimately impacts society by protecting children, empowering mothers and strengthening families.
If you are interested, there are many ways for you to get involved. Mentoring, volunteering, and donations are welcome. You can learn more about The Life Center by visiting their website which is located @ www.lifecenterofhernando.com.
FALL 2013
Psalm 139:13-16 – For you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
Thanksgiving is still some months away, but we have so many, many blessings to be thankful for: our residents, our Learning Center, community activities, donations and much, much more.
Taken from a recent news release and just for fun:
“Local charity spends 0% of cash raised on solicitors.”
The Life Center of Hernando is one of the best charities in America when it comes to not spending cash on for-profit solicitation companies. That fact has not been obscured in documents filed with state regulators. This writer took a close look at this charity after several articles in local papers indicated there were problems among some other American charities.
The IRS tax documents show that from 2002 to 2011, the charity raised no money through solicitors. None of that 0% was paid directly to for-profit solicitations companies by the charity. Its history of raising its own income would be enough to make The Life Center one of the nation’s best charities. The rankings are based on the amount of money a charity spends on a fundraiser. But because good news is often not reported, TLC did not make the news.
The Charity was founded in 2002 and is run by group of dedicated volunteers. The organization’s mission is to equip individuals with skills, knowledge, and confidence to maximize their potential for overall well-being and growth. It provides housing for some of the communities most vulnerable citizens- mothers and young children at risk of homelessness according to its website.
The money raised by this organization, has been spent on program needs with 0% going for salaries of the volunteer staff. The facts are indisputable. There have been costs involved in fundraising. Take for example the 69 cents spend recently on a bright pink poster board for a recent fund raiser. There can be no doubt that money was spent. TLC has a copy of that receipt in its records.
Should the public be up in arms? Yes! Raise your arms high and clap mightily for this outstanding organization!
We are grateful for the new brochures. The new brochures and business cards have arrived!!!! They are beautiful and have the new TLC logo on them. We have placed a number of these brochures around Hernando County-be sure to look for them and thank the church or business for displaying them.
Our Mission:
To equip individuals with skills, knowledge and confidence to maximize their potential for overall well-being and growth.
Our Vision:
We envision a generation of young women who love and believe in themselves, who possess the moral character, self-discipline and courage to be productive members of their community and who will instill these traits in their children.
We are grateful to be a contributing part of our community
The Life Center participated in the Hernando County Health Department Health Day. We manned an information table and donated one of the lovely knitted blankets that RSVP volunteer Anna knits for the babies.
The Hernando Youth Initiative will present the fifth annual Summit for Youth and Families, “Engaging in Your Community,” 11/1/13 at Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 200 Mount Fair Ave., Brooksville. The event brings business owners, government officials, educators, and parents together who are passionate about education. The summit is free and open to the public. It is designed to help address community challenges. TLC will be there presenting our new power point.
Sept 28,2013 is a Christ-centered community service day. CareFest® unites churches, businesses, organizations, and cities with the purpose of demonstrating God’s love in practical ways. Carefest volunteers will construct A cover over the washer and dryer at the TLC residence that day. Volunteers will also pressure wash the Learning Center. Thanks, Carefest.
TLC continues to reach out to local venues to gain support and awareness for The Life Center, The Little House and The Early Learning Center. Over the past month our public relations efforts have started to pay off. There were mentions of TLC in the Tampa Bay Times Support column as well as their on-line site. Coffee Time and the Tyme Weekly, local newsletters, both featured articles about TLC.
Keeley Toro of Spring Hill continues to run our Facebook page. www.facebook.com/TheLifeCenterOfHernando We love this Facebook site and are grateful to Keeley for the many new friends of TLC. Our fb readers have generously volunteered and donated.
Thank you to Gigi and the team at Scene Magazine for including an article on TLC in the latest issue. As a result of that article, we have gained volunteers and offers of donations. Please read and support Scene Magazine because they are working to support their community.
Thank you to Staywell for printing our newsletters so The Life Center message can reach more people in our community.
We are thankful that our new Learning Center will open soon. This will be the place where our youngest residents get the early education, they need to be successful in school.
On 11/12/13 at noon The Chamber of Commerce will join with TLC to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony. Come join us. This is a free event open to the public.
Here at TLC, we rely on the generosity of our community for everything. Recently several critically needed items were donated. Every donation represents something we do not have to purchase. Many items have been left anonymously and we just don’t know whom to thank, but you know who you are. Thanks, and continued blessings to each and every one of you!
What happens when we get duplicates or items we do not need? We give some of it away. The surplus is sold by our “Donations Director” Robin Gatton. At the recent Hippos Sale, Robin helped TLC earn cash that helped pay electrical bills and insurance fees.
Lowes has selected TLC as the focus of their community service project. Lowes will be putting a new fence around our Learning Center! We can’t wait to see it. Thank you, Lowes.
We are thankful for TLC Life Skill classes and all those volunteers who help teach. We are also thankful for the volunteers who offer childcare so our moms can focus on material. Life Skill classes are free and open to the public. For more information call Angela at 917 578 6954
Thank you to the Hernando Sheriff’s office for sending us Detective Tinkham to conduct an Emergency Survival class on August 1st! The detective taught residents how to stay safe, and we really appreciate the sheriff’s support.
Thank you to Shannon Jordan and her team from The Dawn Center of Hernando County FL who came to The Little House to talk to the residents about domestic violence. We appreciate all they do for women in Hernando County who are in crisis.
To help support these Life Skill classes, the residence, and the Learning Center, please mail your check to TLC PO Box 12356 Brooksville, Fl 34603 or go to our web site to donate online.
The life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling 1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. The Life Center’s registration number in Florida is CH 22951.
We are thankful for our residents. We now have 3 adult residents who are motivated to live successful lives. Our moms are dedicated, self-motivated women who have dealt well with adversity. It is rewarding knowing we are helping women who want to help themselves. We are all part of Team TLC that is working towards a brighter future.
The residents at TLC deserve to be celebrated. They have recognized their need for a stable, safe environment for themselves and their children. They have shown determination to succeed. This success takes the form of graduation, increase in life skills and a reliance on God. TLC has been lacking in celebrations, and a number of milestone events have come and gone without the proper recognition. We finally celebrated their wonderful milestones and accomplishments.
In August, we held one big party to say: “We are proud of you”. Our little 800 Sq. foot house was overflowing with residents, board members, party planners, guests, and kids. Volunteers Christy Plants and Pat Leonard put on an awesome celebration with snacks, cupcakes, and thoughtful gifts for moms and kids. Thanks Christy and Pat!
What could be more wonderful than a newborn? One of our TLC residents gave birth to a baby boy this summer. He is the First TLC Baby Boy, and we are all very proud of him. He is adorable. He is about to be joined by the Second TLC Baby Boy. Is it possible to be more blessed than that?
The Life Center of Hernando, Newsletter #18, WINTER Edition 2013
Mission Statement
To equip individuals with skills, knowledge, and confidence to maximize their potential for overall well-being and growth.
Life Center is growing up fast! We have added a second building, board members, volunteers, new residents and babies! Wow! We opened our doors in March 2013 and we have been growing ever since. It’s a vision turned into a reality. This newsletter is packed with resident news, events, volunteer recognition, Learning Center update, opportunities, financial blessings and an opportunity to meet our board.
Who knows about TLC?
Our goal is that TLC will become a name recognized and respected in our
community. Keeley Toro, of Spring Hill Now
(www.springhillnow.com) continues to do an excellent job keeping our facebook readers updated. Local papers have been publishing news items on a regular basis. We recently had a couple of radio spots. We have a banner, business cards, brochures, a web site, a facebook page, newsletters, name tags, a power point, a video and we attend as many events as we can. Please help spread the word. TLC offers hope to single moms and infants with nowhere else to go.
Isn’t all this printing expensive!?!? Yes it is. Our good friends at Staywell take care of this expense for us and we are very grateful. This brochure and hundreds more like it were all provided by Staywell without cost to TLC as part of their community outreach.
How fantastic is that!? Thank You Staywell!
TLC could not exist without Volunteers.
TLC is proud to announce our Volunteer Family of the Month (Sept. 2013): Robin Gatton and her two girls – Reanna Goss 15, Shelby Goss 14.
They have all worked diligently to raise money on our behalf. We often receive donated items we cannot use and Robin helps us sell the items via internet. You can shop for great stuff at a great price from the comfort of home!
Another Volunteer of the Month is Christy Plants.
Christy has been volunteer-ing as TLC’s event and party planner. The first party was
a Celebration of Life party, which was a great success, and the second was a baby shower for two of the moms who recently delivered babies. We are grateful and thankful to have Christy’s energy and passion working for The Life Center. We look forward to Christy doing more celebrations. Her strong faith and her belief that all things are possible with the help of God makes her an excellent role model for our residents.
More TLC Volunteers:
Tammy Mack recently joined the TLC team and inspired us all to greater heights with her energy and enthusiasm. She has shown us how to reach out to the business community for support in a whole new way. We are amazed at what she has accomplished for TLC in a short while.
Michelle & Scott Hilton and their family live near the TLC residence
and have been there for every need large or small. Does someone need a ride? Maintenance? Prayer? A door unlocked? Encouragement? A babysitter? A shelf painted? A table moved? A flag folded? This family gives it all.
Since the end of September, Pastor Wayne and his wife Mary from Turning Point Church have been coming to the TLH to meet with the residents and offer Biblically-based counseling. They decide as a group how often to meet based on individual needs. Sometimes our moms are working their way past old hurts and these sessions offer them an opportunity to overcome.
Kit Raymond has recently – and generously – stepped into the House Mom/Manager role – which is a critical role in the TLC program.
Angela Welsh has been with TLC since 2011 and oversees TLC Life Skill Classes. Angela schedules guest speakers for Tuesday and Thursday classes until permanent instructors are in place. She is working with the Health Department and A New Generation to arrange guest lecturers. Any Mary-Kay Reps out there? Avon? Our residents need your guidance – can you help? What skill do you have that you could offer our residents? Let us know! We are asking for one hour of your time per month.
And oh so many more volunteers! We would honor each of you if we had the space.
You make all the difference.
Hernando Youth Initiative, HYI, holds an annual
Summit for youth and family to promote and address the needs of children and to assure the economic success of Hernando County’s future workforce. HYI is a subcommittee of the Education Committee of the Hernando County
Chamber of Commerce.
Once again this year, TLC participated in the Summit planning and hosted two break-out sessions. During the general assembly, Angela Welsh had the opportunity to present the TLC video our moms helped create.
On Sept. 26, 2013 the General Federation of Women’s Clubs – Spring Hill Service League sponsored Faith In Action. The purpose of this event was to create awareness and identify the many social service programs available in our community. TLC was privileged to attend this gathering of individuals of compassion, generosity and dedication to their ministries, programs, and services.
SUMMER Bash – 8/24/13
Barbara Lemoine and Angela Welsh
joined the fun in Delta Woods Park for the End of Summer Bash sponsored by the YMCA, Communities in Schools and A New Generation. Everyone had lots of fun and it was great to see the dance numbers that the kids put together.
Thanks to the community for showing up and giving them support.
Children’s Dedication – 9/8/13
We had a beautiful experience on Sunday, Sept. 8th at the Rejoice Worship church on Deltona Ave. for the Children’s Dedication. Congratulations to TLC residents Melanie & Ashley and their children.
TLC Baby Shower – Oct. 5, 2013
Christy Plants, TLC’s celebration planner put together an amazing party for TLC’s newest baby boys born 9/22/13 and 6/25/13. We had it all: a table full of beautifully wrapped gifts, favors on each table, amazing diaper cakes, pizza, cupcakes….what a beautiful event.
The party was held at the Church of God of the Prophecy, located at 15444 Wiscon Road in Brooksville and we thank the Pastor’s wife, Chasity Brown, and the Church volunteers who attended and assisted Christy in making the day memorable, fun and blessed. Thank you, Christy!
TLC Residents
We are so proud of our residents. Each one of them has shown determination to set and reach personal goals.
We get a couple of inquiries each week from young moms with nowhere else to turn. Read the following request for help to understand our passion. Naturally we have changed her name and location. Warning: her plea may haunt you.
“Hello my name is Alicia Huntington. I’m young expecting mother. I’m in need of baby supplies. Please help me. Anything will help. Baby is due Feb 4 /2014. I live in Spring Hill off Magnolia. Someone please help me.”
And TLC does help. We helped one young mother who was recently able to leave TLC with much more confidence than when she arrived. As much as we hated to see her go, we are very proud that she is a full-time mom enrolling in USF as a full-time student. It’s a wonderful opportunity and we fully support her decision.
Another one of our moms was recently hired by Head Start. Being employed is a huge step on the road to independent living. She and her children will continue to live at TLC.
We are very proud of her as well. Recently she was interviewed by CNN news during the Head Start crisis. TLC loves community involvement especially when it is one of our own residents speaking up for the children of Hernando.
New Photographer
Our moms are all team players who support the work of TLC. One of our residents has a real love of photography. She has been documenting our events and we love the results. She is scheduled to be our new home daycare teacher. She is taking on a lot of new responsibilities and we are delighted.
Our newest mom is a college student who hopes to continue working toward her degree as she waits for the birth of her child. In order to accomplish this she needs to access her laptop using a router with internet capability. Can you help?
Prayer Request
Being sick is never fun and when you are very young you can’t even understand what is happening.
One of our youngest residents could really use some extra prayer as his doctors struggle to diagnose and treat him.
We have such beautiful, talented young women at TLC that someone should make a video. Someone did. With the help of Hernando County Library, Angela Welsh directed a short 8 minute video starring three of our residents. It is heartfelt and honest.
To request a presentation to your group, call Barbara at 352 597-0119.
Leadership Team
Who is running TLC?
A team of dedicated volunteers who usually prefer to stay in the background. Now for the first time ever, they are going to be publicly introduced and celebrated.
Check out our Leadership Team Gallery below:
Barbara Lemoine, Ex. Director
Angela Welsh, PR, Life Skill Classes, Board Secretary
Kit Raymond, House Mom, Editor
Chantelle Johnson, Web Specialist
Pam Pollock, Treasurer
Robin Cook, Spiritual Advisor
Christy Plants, Celebration Planner
Robin Gatton, Donations Director
Tammy Mack, Community Liaison
Michelle Hilton, Turning Point Liaison
Ed Finertine, Landlord
Besides the team members appearing here, other equally important individuals contribute to TLC’s success.
Thanks to everyone who helps, whether your picture is included or not.
The Learning Center
Where there are moms, there must be children. Don’t all children deserve the best we can offer? Especially children of single parents who have lived through trauma. TLC thinks they do. So do others.
Sept. 28, 2013 CAREFEST!
A Carefest team descended on The Life Center’s new Learning Center and pitched in to get the center ready for the Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting scheduled for November 12 at noon. TLC dedicated the event to local area veterans, and we wanted the center to be as close to perfect as possible.
Thanks to the Carefest team that turned out to power wash the exterior of the building, erect the play set and several other essential projects. It was a great day!
Lowe’s believes that by working together we can build something better — for their company, their customers and their communities. Transforming lives one community at a time — that’s the mission of Lowe’s Heroes. The program encourages employees to team together, adopt a local volunteer project with a nonprofit organization and make a difference.
This year the Brooksville Lowes teamed with TLC. It would be impossible to be any happier with the results. First they erected a 4’ chain link fence around our new playground to keep the kids safe. Then they donated fire extinguishers and CO2 detectors. Next, they brought in mulch to cover our play area. They did all this with a deadline hanging over their heads. We said it just HAD to be done in time for our
Learning Center Ribbon Cutting and it was!
One million thanks to our heroes at Lowes.
Check out these 3 preschool dress-up outfits sent to TLC by a friend in CA!
Wow! We knew the donation was being shipped, but we never imagined such QUALITY material, fantastic detail and accessories! What a nice product. What a nice gift. What a nice addition to our Learning Center. We wonder if we are too big…
November 12, 2013 at 11:45 a.m. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Ribbon Cutting to celebrate TLC’s new Learning Center. The event featured food, networking, a flag ceremony, and a tour. The Life Center dedicated the ceremony to veterans and members from local VFW Post 10209.
Merritt Funeral Homes donated the new flag and Central High School ROTC provided the color guard for the flag ceremony. Keller Williams Realty sponsored the delicious lunch. Thank you everyone who contributed to or attended this event.
Where does the money come from?
Thank God for supplying our need. We only have $10 a month pledged and yet we are able run our program. We don’t mind living by faith, but if you want to be a blessing, make out a check to The Life Center and mail it to PO Box 12356 Brooksville, FL 34603. Or use pay pal at www.lifecenterofhernando. com. Both the insurance agent and the utility company will appreciate it!
The Life Center of Hernando County must rely on a variety of ways to get money to keep moving forward. Grants are one piece of the puzzle, and we desperately need someone to assist! You don’t need experience, just be able to write well and relay the info needed for the grant. If you’d like to help, please contact us today.
The Business Community Supports TLC
Belk Charity Day
Belk has a long and exemplary tradition of giving back to the communities it serves. Each year, the company and its associates provide generous financial and volunteer support to a variety of non-profit organizations including The Life Center of Hernando. The annual company-wide Belk Charity Sale event generates many needed dollars in donations to benefit worthy charitable organizations such as TLC. Together we are improving the quality of life in Hernando County. Thanks, Belk.
Clubs Support TLC
September 21, 2013 – The Road Leads Home Fundraiser was sponsored by Chicks in the Wind for TLC and Jericho Ministries.
But it didn’t stop there. The Chicks showed up at TLC to present a check from the event. They showed their bikes to the kids who were thrilled. Next they showed up to support our Learning Center Ribbon Cutting.
Chicks in the Wind are planning a 12/22 Christmas event for our residents. They can’t do enough for TLC!
And the Virtual School donated complete Thanksgiving dinners for TLC‘s four families. Thank You!
TLC Supports Itself
Happy Happy Hippos is a seasonal children’s consignment sale event that is held twice a year. It is a one stop shopping extravaganza. With everything from clothing, toys, bedding, furniture, books, shoes, DVDs, strollers and so much more!!! You can find almost anything a baby, child, teen or mother would need!! Robin Gatton and her girls are experts at getting the most from this event.
Volunteers will be needed for Feb 27 – Mar 2nd. If you can help or donate, please give Robin a call at 727 379 3952
Who Else Supports TLC?
Those who have been there. Sometimes they have been a single parent or the child of a single parent. They get it first-hand. Then there are those compassionate folks who just seem to have a God given gift to feel the pain of others. There are also the unexpected people. The ones you would not think would care about homeless moms and babies. Don’t be fooled. Almost anyone could have a soft heart for the less fortunate.
Abrams Art Gallery in Brooksville, donated several pieces of art for a TLC art sale. Other local artists donated to this event as well:
Lee Broede, JT Wooters, Vergara, Judith Newton, Karen Heidler, M Rowel, Carol Dentice and I. Sandler. This fund raising celebration was planned and promoted with the help of Regina who owns and operates Fluer De Lis Patio Cafe in Safety Harbor.
Can you help?
It does take a village when a grass roots group of volunteers decides to open a residential facility for single moms and their infants. Moms without resources. Moms who would otherwise be homeless. TLC is that group and Hernando County is that village. Without our generous supporters we could not do the work that needs to be done. We have made great progress, but there is more that remains to be done.
Christmas is traditionally a time of giving. Please consider giving to TLC.
What does TLC need?
Financial Support: The primary need is always going to be financial support. Please consider making a one-time gift of ANY amount, a monthly pledge for $10 or more, or pay a recurring bill (i.e. electric, internet, insurance, etc.)
Donating online using a credit/debit card or PayPal account is as easy as a few clicks: www.lifecenterofhernando .com
and checks can also be made payable to:
The Life Center
Needs for the home:
Every sort of baby item
Preschool art supplies
Preschool music system (CD player?)
Any ethnic items such as dolls, books, toys, music, play food, posters
Gift cards/tickets for activities (movies)
Birthday gifts – new items for babies, preschoolers or adults
Special event tickets
Gas cards
Gift card for undies and shoes
Door mat
Really BIG needs:
A building for expansion to a second residence
Any kind of vehicle with a title- running or not -for the Vehicle Donation Program.This includes motorcycles, boats, trailers and airplanes. Call the DONATION LINE anytime 877 227 7487.
Volunteers are needed to help in the following ways:
Fund raising
Event planner
Professional services
Life Skill teachers for Child Development, Health & Hygiene, Basics of Good Health Classes
Mother’s Helpers to babysit in the same or adjacent room as the moms during Life Skill Classes
Drivers willing to offer an occasional ride to a resident.
Thank you in advance!