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Year 2011

Barbara Lemoine

Updated: Jun 21, 2021


Merry Christmas!

This is the time of year we like to feel a chill in the air as we get together with friends and relatives. It’s a time of goodwill to all.

Don’t forget, you are all invited to some old fashioned caroling 12/16. We will meet at Turning Point 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville by 6:30. This is a free event. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a dessert to share afterwards.

This season, most of us will go out of our way to ensure that those less fortunate share in our holiday celebrations. It is also the time of year when non-profits bombard us all with requests for donations. There are so many needs. It is difficult to know who to help. We tend to suspect groups with high salaried executives. Some of the printed literature looks like it cost as much as a turkey dinner. Isn’t it safest to give to a long-established group? In this economy, non-profits are struggling to provide more services to more people with fewer resources.

This is a newsletter from The Life Center. How does TLC measure up?

· We have no paid staff. We are all volunteers.

· Our newsletter is sent to you as a no-cost email.

· We are a fairly new group.

Should you consider helping TLC? Before you decide, here are a few more facts for you to consider:

· We are offering you three different fundraisers.

· Each opportunity gives you something in return.

· We are not going to keep even one penny of the money you give. We are raising money for the Turning Point Church in Brooksville.

What is Turning Point Church going to do with the money? All of the money is going into a building fund to renovate the “little house” at 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 34601-5529.

This house will be used by TLC as a residential home for young homeless moms and their infants. It is a joint partnership with Turning Point providing the building and TLC providing the program.

“Wait a minute”, you say, “I thought that was going to be a Christmas miracle project.”

What can we say…. It’s still not too late for a miracle. WE NEED BUILDING MATERIALS. Our recent pancake breakfast raised some much-needed funds, but not enough. We sincerely thank everyone who supported that effort. If you were there and toured the building, you know there is a view to the outdoors even in places where there are no windows!

How can you help?

*Pick one or more of the fund raisers listed below to support. Mark your calendar.

*Pray for continued success.

*Tell others about our events.

1. Pampered Chef: go to to select your items, then call Silvia at (813) 4321-4016 and leave a message for her to return your call. Placing an on-line order will not help us.

2. Open and copy the attached offer from Texas Roadhouse and have a meal there on 1/23 any time from 3-10 pm. 10% of your total food purchases will go to this fundraiser. 12935 Cortez Blvd.

3. Come to Chick Filet on Monday, Dec. 12th and bring a copy of the following form. A portion of your food purchase will go to the building fund. Be sure to come inside and join the fun. Located at: 13143 Cortez Blvd. (352) 596-2826

The Life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.406.411(3), F.S.


Holiday Greetings!

First and foremost, we want to thank everyone who responded to our request to help Turning Point Church raise the money to complete the building they call “The Little House”. As you know, that little house will be used by The Life Center to shelter and care for homeless young moms and their infants. All money designated for that use is going directly to their building fund. In our last newsletter, we listed the materials that are needed to complete the project. The list may have been confusing and overwhelming to anyone not familiar with the building trade. How much does a 2X4 cost anyway? How about a sheet a plywood? If a person wants to help, how much should they contribute? Does $10. Really help? Therefore, we will now try to simplify the whole matter.

A 14 foot 2X4 can be purchased for $6.00

A sheet of 3/4 inch plywood can be purchased for $25.

So now all the non-builders know. Make your check out to Turning Point and mail it directly to 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 34601-5529. It’s tax deductible. Will your $10 really help? YES! And $100 will help 10 times as much! For $1,000 we will write you name on every 2X4 that goes into the house!

Next item is a party invitation.

Mark your calendars for 11/26 at 9 am. We will be sponsoring a “Home by Christmas” event. It will be two-fold. There will be an opportunity to help work on the building and there will also be a delicious pancake breakfast that same morning. All this will take place at 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville. The breakfast is a fund raiser for the building.

Finally, we want to invite you to came out on Friday 12/16 at 6:30p.m. for some old fashioned caroling. Many of you have participated in the annual Life Center caroling. In the past we have car pooled to shut-ins. This year we thought we would try something different and travel on foot around the neighborhood near Turning Point. If you plan to come, try to wear Christmas colors, bring a desert to share afterwards and meet at 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville by 6:30. Everyone is welcome. This is a free event.


“Home by Christmas”

After a very long time, The Life Center is proud to announce we finally have a permanent location! We have partnered with Turning Point Nazarene Church in Brooksville, FL. They are going to provide the structure and we will provide the program. But first we need your help to provide some much needed building supplies to renovate the 816 /sq.. Ft. house.

Here is what Pastor Joey Hidler has to say about the building’s needs:

For step 1 we need lumber to fix the largest, and most difficult portion of the project, the foundation repairs. We have been advised not to use particle board due to the ground moisture in the area. Most of the upper structure is in good shape, but we have to replace the floor joist and the foundational beams.

  • About 20 treated 2X6s 8ft long for floor joists

  • About 50 treated 2X6s 10 ft long for floor joists

(About 16 treated 2X6s at least 14ft for support beams, doubled up)

  • Plywood (25 full-sheets of 1/2 inch or 3/4).

  • Some flashing to go over the tops of the foundation pillars (aluminum OK)

  • We need to replace all the windows. Ask for specific sizes.

  • We need exterior doors

Step 2 will be the internal structure of walls. We already have a lot of that lumber but will probably need:

  • 2X4s.

Step 3 would be to install all the mechanics, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. That way we can be working in and through the walls before there are any walls to content with.

Step 4 will be to build out the interior with drywall, insulation, vanity, flooring, toilet, shower/bath, kitchen cabinets, and the exterior wheelchair ramp.

Step 5 will be the final touches. This will be more fun for many of us. That is the part where we furnish the home. Since we can’t easily store these items just yet, we are asking you to hang on to your donations for just a little while. You can call Barbara at 352 597-0119 and let her know what you have.

Watch for a full list of needed items for the entire project.

So what do you think?

Can we get some young moms and their infants “Home by Christmas”?

OK OK we know, many of our supporters are not construction workers and may not just happen to have a few sheets of plywood sitting around. Good News! Cash is also acceptable! All designated donations for the building will belong to Turning Point Church and you can make your check out and send it directly to them: 19384 Ingram St. Brooksville, FL 34601-5529.

We announced this partnership between Turning Point Church and The Life Center at the recent Hernando Youth Initiative Summit. This announcement was met with great enthusiasm. There is a lot of public support because the need is so great. There is no shortage of young, single moms who need a safe permanent home to raise their children. Wouldn’t it be a great Christmas miracle if we could offer them a Home by Christmas.


Tax season has come and gone, and the refund checks have been cashed. But some people didn’t get a refund. Some people had to pay additional tax money to the IRS. If you were one of those people who had to write a check this year, we have some great news for you! You can donate to our approved nonprofit and take a larger tax deduction next year. OK, you already knew that. Aren’t you tired of paying property taxes on property that you aren’t using and that isn’t likely to sell any time soon? Why not donate that property to The Life Center? The Life Center is appealing to your good business sense. Donate a building to us, help your community and get a great tax deduction all at the same time!

We concluded our last newsletter with these words, “We have decided to go with whatever we have, meaning we’ll use any donated building as a starting place and grow from there.”

Please pass the word to anyone who might have an empty building. There is a real need right now to get homeless young moms and their infants into safe, reliable housing. You don’t have an extra building just sitting around? Here are other ways you can help:

* Pray for favor in obtaining a house

* Donate: a vehicle, boat, plane: anything with a title- running or not.

* Be a mentor

* Host a single mom

* Offer professional services

* Contribute financially

* Be a marketing volunteer

* Arrange for TLC to speak to your group

* Be a volunteer grant writer

* Help with a fund raiser

* Offer your business expertise

Bottom line: we need a lot of help. If you have something to offer that isn’t on the list, offer it anyway. Chances are, we need it!

We have just sent out letters to approximately 20 local banks and credit unions requesting their help in obtaining a building. An inside source seemed doubtful this approach would work, but with God all things are possible. We request your prayers in this matter. Thanks to Larry Robertson our SCORE volunteer for his generous commitment of time in helping us complete our business plan. This aspect of the project required thinking like a business person and getting the numbers to line up to reality. Larry stuck with us to the end. He patiently explained the intricacies of cash flow charts, capital assets and in-kind donations. The Life Center could really use a volunteer with business expertise. Anyone????

We are wrapping up our Pampered Chef fund raiser that Silvia Vadell set up for us. Pampered Chef has lots of great kitchenware for you or a friend. It is not too late to give Silvia a call and place your order. You’ll be helping TLC and you’ll get a great product. That’s a win-win situation!

OK donating a building or even ordering new kitchenware is just not in your budget right now. We get it. The economy is still tight. But you really want to help. You know this is a good project. You want to be part of it. You have few resources and little time. We have just the volunteer opportunity for you! TLC has a vehicle donation program. It is all set up and requires you to do just one thing. All you have to do is take a flyer with you to each business you go to and ask if you can put it up. That’s it. Simple enough? We will provide the flyers. Call Barbara and she will get the flyers to you. We promise: you don’t have to ask for money, you don’t have to call anyone, you don’t have to spend any money,you will be part of a successful fund raiser, you will be a blessing. Put up 5 or put up 50- each one will help us reach our goal of providing for young moms and their children.

Our community involvement continues to grow. We are now connected to Career Central, SCORE, RSVP, Hernando Youth Initiative, Teen pregnancy sub committee, and Pasco Hernando Early Childhood Coalition. If you would like some of our great TLC business cards to use when you talk to people about The Life Center, just reply to this e-mail and ask for cards. We cannot conclude without this last, especially important item: Volunteer Recognition

Albert Vadell is a young volunteer we wish to officially recognize. Albert is a high school student at West Hernando Christian School. He has faithfully volunteered his time to assist TLC in fund raisers, computer work and general all-around goodwill. One of Albert’s greatest contributions is his loyalty. For the past several years Albert has been willing to pitch in whenever we have requested his help. He has a great attitude and servant’s heart. Thank you, Albert for your continued support!

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The life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling 1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state. Registration does

not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

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