Making a difference in the lives of young single mothers and their infant children
Mission Statement
Life Center of Hernando, Inc. provides needed social services using a faith based
model, to parents of minor children in Hernando County and the surrounding
areas. The services offered promotes self-sufficiency and independence.
They will include, but not be limited to:
* residential living opportunities
* life skills training
* healthy family development
* mentoring
* spiritual and cultural guidance
* community involvement
* daycare services for residents and community children
* education and training
Vision Statement
The Life Center of Hernando will empower young women
to recognize and to strengthen moral character, self discipline, and determination to
succeed as loving mothers and productive citizens of their community.

From despair to independence…
providing lasting empowerment for young mothers and families.
Right now in Hernando County, many young homeless moms are living with their babies in unstable conditions. Some moms choose to care for their babies despite increased financial challenges and lack of security.
They Need Our Help.
The Life Center of Hernando believes everyone deserves a home, especially at-risk young mothers and their infant children. Help us make this belief a reality in our community today. We envision a generation of young women who love and believe in themselves, who posess the Christian values, self-discipline, and courage needed to be productive members of their community, and who will instill these traits in their children. With our program, young parents will learn to face the responsibilities of parenthood and gain the needed skills to live independently. Our program provides a sense of belonging through family-style living. Moms and babies will enjoy both private and communal living spaces. Graduates will be independent, self-sufficient young women capable of setting personal goals.
A young single mom is often alone and desperate. Forced to cope with the demands of parenthood before she has had time to fully develop basic independent living skills, young mothers often face major difficulties in maintaining a sense of stability.
Our programs provide an opportunity for moms to develop self-confidence, independence and the skills to reach their highest potential as parents and heads of households.
We need your help
Please click below to Contribute

Please click on the button
below and take part in changing lives and the reward of helping fulfil The Life Centers' Mission.
Your community needs your HELP.
Your monthly pledge OR one time donation will help young mothers in need.
The Life Center provides all the necessities a young mom and her child needs to be safe, healthy and stable.
We Need Partners