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A not so brief history of The Life Center of Hernando...

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Spring of 2021

A  dream come true! The concrete work we have long desired has been donated.

TLC now has a terrific play space for the toddlers to ride their toy cars  We are very, very grateful.


January 2021

​Faith Presbyterian began providing their church van to transport our families.

​We are very blessed and very grateful.


December 2020

​We love and appreciate our volunteers! We just got together and had fun.

We enjoyed each other’s company and some excellent treats.

We just have to say it one more time: THANK YOU!


We were concerned about security issues. Then Josh Hady from DC Electrical solved a big security issue.

​He installed motion activated lights outside. That, together with our outdoor RING cameras, makes us all feel much safer.


October 2020

We were concerned about security issues. Then Josh Hady from DC Electrical solved a big security issue.

He installed motion activated lights outside. That, together with our outdoor RING cameras, makes us all feel much safer.


COVID 2020

The Life Center stopped operating at full capacity in March 2020. We used the year  as an opportunity to clean and upgrade.


February 2020

100+ Women Who Care Nature Coast is a philanthropic force that supports local non-profits. TLC is very pleased and grateful to be second time recipients. Thanks to all.


We are very grateful. TLC was then eligible for 50% matching funds from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation family of Best Buy. A huge thanks to both groups.


Also in May 2019

Cross Point Church renovated our playground. They cleaned it up, reconfigured  it, and added some much needed mulch and a new patch of grass. There were about 60 men, women, and children who did lots of other projects too. 


However, the playground is our favorite. We even have a new tire swing that is strong enough to hold a couple of moms.

We LOVE it!!!!! Thank you, Cross Point!


Valentines Day 2019

Two very kind women from Grace World Outreach Church understand how a  young woman in shelter might feel on Valentine’s Day. They let each resident at The Life Center know she is loved and appreciated.


They brought gifts and they gave the most generous gift of all–they gave their time to sit and visit and let each young lady know how special she is. That love is already changing lives!


Christmas 2018

Spa Abstract offered a spa day just for the residents of TLC. It was all the more appreciated because it was such a new and exciting experience for them.

Our residents will never forget this experience and the generosity of

Spa Abstract.


November 27th, 2018

The Lightning honored Barbara Lemoine as the 14th Community Hero this season TAMPA BAY – The Tampa Bay Lightning honored Barbara Lemoine as the 14th Lightning Community Hero this season during the first period of tonight’s game versus the Anaheim Ducks.


Barbara Lemoine, who received a $50,000 donation from the Lightning Foundation and the Lightning Community Heroes program, will donate the money to The Life Center, Pay It Forward Farm, Joseph House Brooksville and the Seventh Mom Project.


In 2002, Barbara began outlining her vision to offer homeless mothers a home where they could develop the skills to become better parents and responsible citizens. She then turned neglected buildings into much needed housing and founded The Life Center/TLC, a grassroots mentoring program for homeless moms that teaches them Life Skills and helps them develop independence.


October 2018

Our Adult Classroom is ready and operational. Every week we hold Life Skill classes there for the moms in our program.. Years ago the building housed a honey business. In honor of that history we named it the BEE Hive.


BEE stands for Becoming Educated and Empowered. This building houses a Hive of activity!


Fall of 2018 

Just because a woman is in a shelter doesn’t mean she is any less of a person. She still wants to take a few minutes to remember she is loved and valued because “God don’t make no junk”.


A very kind volunteer hosted a tea party at TLC last week. It send the message: you are loved, you have value, you deserve to drink tea from a  pretty cup and remember how much God loves you.


September 2018

A group of volunteers from Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church came Saturday morning, Sept. 15, to tackle various maintenance projects. Housekeeping on a Good Day. The house was spotless and smelled so nice.


August 2018

The First United Methodist Church on Spring Hill Drive has chosen The Life Center of Hernando for it’s “Mission of the Month”.

We think UM would agree with these well known words,

“When you did it for one of the least of these, you did it for me.”


July 2018

What can you do with a bunch of toddlers on a hot afternoon?

Just turn on the hose. They figure it out from there. Kids at TLC

don’t seem to mind sharing a home with so many friends.


New Arrival:

An Open letter to baby M., "Welcome, precious baby girl! You are the tenth baby to be born while mom was living at TLC. We are so glad you had a safe, clean home to come to when you left the hospital. In the past 5 ½ years since opening, TLC has housed 52 families. You are child #70 to live at TLC."


June 2018

A very special little boy turned 4 making it a day we wanted to

celebrate. Our staff of volunteers had to really scramble to make this party happen.

We are short handed with a full house so everyone is super busy.


Easter 2018

Dana arrives. bringing  a Happy, Happy Easter from Tone U in Weeki Wachee to the kids at TLC. When Dana asked if she could do something to help, we didn’t expect such generosity! Wow! Lots of happy kids and grateful moms.


This is the sort of action that says to residents, ”There are lots of good people in this community and we love you.” Thank you Tone U for your generous giving throughout the year. You make everyone’s day brighter.


Spring 2018

The volunteer staff at TLC is always busy, busy, busy–but never too busy to hold a cutie like this. This little darling really made Jan’s day!


February 2018

TLC is 5 years old! Happy Birthday to us! TLC has now been open 5  years. The Life Center has really grown up in the 5 years since we      opened. Initially we had room for a house mom and 2 residents with a lease that would expire in three years. Just getting that far was a    MAJOR, MAJOR accomplishment.


We were all newbies who didn’t even know how to advise our            residents to apply for food stamps (SNAP). Soon we were gifted a      trailer and, after much labor, with no A/C one very hot summer, we    ended up with 3 more bedrooms and a playground.               


Just in the nick of time, as our first lease was expiring, we were able to put a down payment on our new permanent home. Who remembers all the clean-up there? The house, the attic, the storage building and the burn pile were all huge messes. Soon after, TLC got our first vehicle. Since then  we have been able to provide transportation for our residents


Thank you one and all for your support. By helping to establish TLC,  you have helped Hernando County’s most vulnerable citizens-            homeless young moms and their babies. 


February 2018

TLC has a new volunteer, Vilmarie who helped with construction in the adult classroom.


February 2018

We participate in the Happy Happy Hippo Consignment Sale Fund Raiser


January 2018

TLC holds essential life skill classes for our residents on a weekly basis We found we absolutely must have child care workers if anyone was going to get anything out of the classes. Cynthia and Evelyn are at TLC faithfully week after week to care for our little ones


Christmas 2017

Christmas gifts are provided by women from Grace World Church who want to bless our families.. They also blessed the house with the all important essentials of toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

Those gifts will continue to be very much appreciated long into the new year. Thank you, ladies for both the pretty bags of individual goodies and the practical gifts.


Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving Dinner at TLC was a huge success. The House Manager reported, “I am so pleased to say that the residents and I cooked all day and they were happy to do it! We used the donated table cloth. We had a really nice day.”


Thank you Tone U Weeki Wachee for providing the turkey and all the fixings. It was a day to remember and be thankful.


Summer 2017

The 4th annual TLC Banquet is a huge success! Grace World Outreach Church provided the facilities.  

About 140 people enjoyed a buffet dinner.


May 2017

100+ Women Who Care Nature Coast awards TLC $1,000. We are so excited! Now we can re-floor another room. .

Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority blesses TLC          financially. About 65 volunteers from Keller Williams show up for their Red Day


April 2017

The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held their Founder’s Day Banquet. This year they were able to raise $1,000 for The Life Center of Hernando.


March 25th, 2017

Crosspoint Church comes to TLC to clean up and paint.


December 2016

Tone U Gym brings Christmas to TLC this year.

Christmas came early to TLC this year when Lowes delivered new appliances.


Fall  2016

Cloverleaf presents a whole stage full of hygiene items and a cash donation.

Summer 2016

How is TLC is funded? Here is one way. Larry from Vans Cars and Trucks tells the story:

"I knew we had a good seed of an idea with the July 4 Hot Dog/Drink fundraiser. We needed a worthy organization to be the recipient. TLC fulfilled that role in spades."


Spring 2016

This spring the residents at TLC requested a CPR class. On Thursday, March 10TH  Dan Santana from the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office came to TLC to facilitate that class.


Winter 2015

Evangeline Reid as the new TLC Chairman of the Board.


November 2015

One Sunday in November we were blessed to attend a baby shower hosted by 2 residents for a third resident who is due 12/1/15

Exciting news when Larry Van Fossen announces he would soon be able to deliver a van to TLC.


Our residents will have wheels!

About 20 volunteers from Sun Coast Credit Union come to TLC on Saturday to help us expand our efforts to provide services in the community.


Fall 2015

Kit Raymond and Ken Santuchi celebrate the completion of the new floor project in our second building.


August 2015 

TLC  dedicates the women shelter “To the glory of God and the memory of Ed Finertie“. A dedication ceremony on Tuesday, Aug 18 honored Ed.


Summer 2015

Patti Stepbach was awarded the Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero Award for her backpack project, Operation Heartfelt. Patti was awarded $50,000 to share with her favorite charities.

She chose The Arc Nature Coast and TLC.


Spring 2015

Vineyard Church sends over volunteers to minister to the residents, repair the floors and check the A/C heating unit.


Winter 2014

Chick in the Wind provide a second annual Christmas party for the children at TLC.

TLC collects, pairs,  bands, and bags over 2500 pairs of old shoes for a fund raiser. First United Methodist Church lent their awesome support.

TLC began it new Legacy Society while continuing to accept monthly pledges and one time gifts.


Fall 2014

The Hernando County Board of Commissioners recommends TLC for a $5,000 reimbursement grant for educational materials for both adult and toddler residents.

A good Samaritan fronts the money so TLC can utilize the grant money.


People Helping People begin working with TLC to help meet the nutritional needs for our residents.

TLC does some remodeling to create three individual bedrooms in our newly acquired building.


Summer 2014

Jerry Boutot of AppDataWorks supports TLC with an invitation to  speak during the WWJB AM radio 1450 show he hosts. Jerry also rescued TLC’s website and helped us learn WordPress.  


July  2014

TLC has been open 3 ½ years .

We have housed 29 families which included 28 kids and 12 pregnant women.

> Our preschoolers have a fenced playground.


May 2014


Christy Plants plans and carries out a combined Volunteer Appreciation and Mother’s Day party on May 10th

The Mothers Club of Hernando provide hygiene items and gift baskets for our mothers. 


Belk’s supports TLC through their Charity Sale.

Suntrust Bank picks TLC for a day of volunteering. They came and repaired a soft spot in our ramp and did some much needed painting.


April 2014

Chicks in the Wind is a woman’s riding group that rides to support our community and charities. They arrive at our residence on their motorcycles on Easter weekend.

At Glen Lakes Garden Club Annual Luncheon & Fashion Show, April 4,  TLC is honored  to be their “Charity of the Year for 2014.”


March 2014

Happy Birthday TLC. One year old this month.

The past year 3 babies were born while their moms were living  at TLC.

In 2013 we had: 88 moms who requested help.

In 2013 TLC provided 84 weeks of shelter to seven families for a value of approximately $8,400.

In 2013 we had over 40 volunteers helping make TLC a success.

In 2013 in-kind donations were valued at over $23,000.

In 2013 We had $2,881 in cash donations.

In 2013 we had one monthly pledge of $10.


The Hernando Chamber of Commerce includes TLC in the diaper drive. The Dawn Center donates 2 car seats and a printer.

People Helping People donate a washer and Dryer


February 2014

Barbara Lemoine speaks at General Federation of Women Club and is blessed with paper goods, diapers and cash donations.

Currently 3 adults and 4 children are in residence.


January 2014

The year begins with terrible news. Friend and landlord Ed Finertie has passed away.

Angela Welsh speaks at the Brooksville Ridge Kiwanis meeting.

TLC receives our first grant: Am Scot provided $250


July  2014

TLC has been open 3 ½ years .

We have housed 29 families which included 28 kids and 12 pregnant women.

>Our preschoolers have a fenced playground.


December 2013

Christmas party  is sponsored by Chicks in the Wind. Lots of gifts for TLC kids.

TLC amends our mission statement to include a wider base of services.

Killingsworth Insurance provides Christmas food, trees and gifts f

Flammer Ford provides gift and 2 new bikes for our children in residence.

Su Zahar creates family portraits for our residents to treasure

Staywell continues to print our colorful newsletters

Turning Point Church takes up a Christmas offering in support of TLC’s ministry.

Keeley Toro of Spring Hill Now continues to manage our face book page

Jericho Road Ministries provides a replacement refrigerator when ours died.

Teresa Watson from Hernando anti-drug Coalition provides test kits and safe medication storage containers

Baby Love provides diapers, wipes and hygiene items.

Many, many others teach  Life Skill classes, write articles for publication, volunteer for the board, knit baby blankets and paint.


November 2013

Chamber of Commerce sponsored ribbon cutting for the new learning center. 11/5/13


October 2013

Christy Plans organized a baby shower for all 3 residents. Lots of gifts and a diaper cake.


September 2013

Kit Raymond becomes a board member and off-site house mother.

Chicks in the Wind do a benefit fund raiser for TLC.

The residents participate in producing a video on their experiences at TLC.


August  2013

TLC selected by Lowes  to be their community project for the year. They will install a new chain link fence around the learning center playground.


June 2013

TLC’s name has been appearing in the newspapers lately.

TLC has joins an HYI  Grant Collaboration Group.


May 2013

Ed Finertie begin his generous support on the second building.

The power point and slide deck are updated for use at speaking engagements.

Robin Gatton joins the team through Career Central.

Kelsey Rickard joins TLC through Walmart Distribution Center employee/volunteer program.


April 2013

Internet service is added to Little House.

Printed newsletters are distributed throughout Hernando county.

TLC is recipient of Monster Transmission Cruise-In charity event.


March 2013

TLC gets a new logo and more professional looking brochures.

Angela Welsh becomes a TLC board member and holds the office of secretary.

TLC now has a Facebook page thanks to Keeley Toro from Spring Hill Now.

TLC participates in Belk’s fund raising charity event.

TLC begins reporting to Mid-Florida Homeless Coalition .

TLC’s first resident and her children move into the Little House. Resident questioned, “ Where else could I have gone if TLC was not here?” Her answer, “back to my abuser”.  We are glad we are here.


February 2013

TLC now has our occupancy permit for the Little House


December 2012

At noon on 12/20/12 we held our official Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting ceremony with Barbara Lemoine. 

It was well attended and very successful. 

Tim Lane continues work on the Little House. Beth Grey from Tampa Bay writes a news article.


October 2012

TLC announces it will hold its ribbon cutting/open house ceremony on 12/20/12. Exactly 10 years ago we were told God would build us a house! It took us a long time to let Him.

We finally got out of His way.

TLC once again participates in the Summit for Youth and Families at the Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Brooksville. Angela Welch presented a power point for TLC and Phil Scarpelli hosted a breakout session.


TLC wanted to engage our community in a dialog about positively impacting the lives of young mothers by harnessing the time, talent and resources of Hernando County. Some history on the origin of the Little House was presented and the participants were asked to help plan its future. The goal is to prevent vulnerable women from the cycle of dependency on the social welfare system.


June 2012

The Little House at Turning Point will be our new home. We have volunteers, in-kind donations and some cash for materials.

We get lots of help from Gary Griffith, Scotto Plumbing, Senica Air and Habitat for Humanity. This project is called the most important new work in Hernando County by Phil Scarpelli.


March 8th, 2012

The Life Center holds a fundraiser for The Little House at Turning Point Church to raise money to renovate the home for young mothers.

The event includes an elegant 4-course gourmet dinner at Brian’s Place Restaurant in Hernando Beach, a fashion show by ENVY Models and a silent auction. Musical entertainment was provided by Marty and the Nice Guys.


November 11th, 2011

We have a facility!! The Life Center and Turning Point Church signed a Cooperation Agreement to outline the basic start-up housing program for young mothers with possible daycare options.

Turning Point will be responsible for providing space for a dedicated home and use of other church property as it is needed/available.


The Life Center will be responsible for the programming as a whole.

The Life Center will have financial responsibilities for the program. Turning Point will be involved in the program, especially in the area of spiritual discipleship.

This agreement is expected to be for a minimum of 3 years.

Pastor Joey Heidler is add to the board.


October 2011

TLC participates in the Fourth Annual Summit for Youth and Families. It was a day of presentations and exchanges designed to tackle problems affecting young people including teen pregnancy.


June 2011

A steering committee was self- formed and Angela Welch, Phil Scarpelli and several others joined the team. They are instrumental in moving the project forward.

Lynn Van Meter was welcomed to the board.


April 2011

TLC publishes its second newsletter.


January 18, 2011

Through the efforts of Tracy Echols and Hernando Youth Initiative, TLC is able to give a short presentation to the Hernando County Legislative Delegation.


December, 2010

Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King! The sounds of music were in the air. Or as one man put it, “You have brought music into my home.”

The occasion was The Life Center’s annual Christmas caroling event.


October 2010

Board members Barbara Lemoine and Chantelle Kelly visit the Alpha House in Tampa. Their goal was to learn more about the Alpha House and take a tour of that residential facility for pregnant women.

They know pregnant homeless women from Hernando County are often referred there since Hernando County does not have a residential facility of its own for these moms and infants.

New TLC flyers have now been printed.


August 2010

The final version of the logo is approved. It is agreed to order business cards.

Decide to redo website using YOLA.

Decide to begin life skill classes.


July 2010

A Vehicle Donation program check for $2,882 brings our bank balance up to $4,087.

TLC has begun to attend Hernando Youth Initiative meetings.

TLC is now attending HYI subcommittee for teen pregnancy.

TLC continuing search for suitable building and the funds to afford it.


October 2009

A logo was presented to the board for consideration.


March 2009

TLC workes with the students of Springfield College on a power point presentation/fund raiser for TLC.

Colors for the logo were considered.


August 2008

New vision and mission statements accepted by the TLC board.


May 2008

Bank balance is now $1,466. Pastor Frank Prestigiacomo of Grace World Outreach Church gave TLC his approval to discuss TLC with church attendees.


November 2007

Bank balance is now $884. TLC now has a CH #

Chet Steele and Chantelle Kelly will begin working on a logo.


April 2007

 Linda Sacca and Barbara Lemoine meet and successfully completed all the necessary filings including an IRS 990EZ.


October 2006

501(c)3 Arrived. TLC is effectively a recognized nonprofit retroactive to 2/14/2002. Still chasing shadows and running down blind allies in an attempt to find a home base/receive grant money.


August 2005

Volunteer Linda Sacca is now a member of the board and holds the position of treasurer.


June 2005

The final entries to the 501(c)3 are made. There are currently 140 people on the e-mailing list.


May 2005

   Barbara Lemoine and Chantelle Kelly begin the process of re-applying for the 501(c)3 following a disastrous first attempt.


April 2004

Chantelle Kelly and Barbara Lemoine begin working on policies and procedures.

TLC now has $404 in the checking account.


September 2003

Ned Mitenius of Periscope Consulting   graciously donated a large amount of his time to create a new website for TLC.


July 2003

There are now 107 people on our email newsletter list.


May 2003

We welcomed Pam Hargraves and Debby Fries as our first official prayer partners. 

The entire board is determined to do God’s will.


March 2003

Carolyn Timmons arranges a fashion show in Brooksville  as a fund raiser.


October 2002

We are walking by faith. Nothing we can see yet. 11Samuel 7:27 says, “I will build thee a house.” This is the promise we are holding onto. We are fine tuning the Mission and Vision statements.

We set up our first website with a donation button.


September 2002

We finally have our 501(c)3 papers ready to file and the money to pay filing fees.


May 2002

Dr. Kevin Ballard applied for and was awarded a $250 start-up grant from the O’Brien Enrichment Foundation on behalf of The Life Center.

There are now 32 interested people on our email newsletter list.

Ken Lendh and Barbara Lemoine meet with a member of SCORE to develop a business plan.

Barbara’s explanation that the financial plan was based almost entirely on faith was not well received. 


March 2002

The Life Center held its first fund raiser at Golden Corral in Brooksville. The funds raised ($136) were enough to cover the cost of applying for our non-profit 501(c)3 status. Carolyn Timmons was the speaker that evening and she spoke with deep conviction about how we must help today’s youth. Pastor David Garcia spoke on the youth of today.

TLC now has EIN number and Incorporation papers.


February 2002

Second board meeting of TLC. Roberta Cummings resigned for personal reasons. TLC opened its first bank account.


January 2002

Dr. Kevin Ballard, Carolyn Timmons, Roberta Cummings and Barbara Lemoine agreed to start a non-profit faith based agency in Hernando County with the stated purpose being to minister to the community in need, especially youth. The first officers were elected.

The first order of business was to visit Green Isle a residential facility in Clermont, FL.


October 2001

Carolyn Timmons and Barbara Lemoine  visited the teen parenting class at Hernando High to determine the special needs, wants and desires of young moms. The students cited having a telephone and a homey atmosphere as being very important to them.

They stressed the importance of having the sense of a family and stated they would be willing to share a bedroom with another mom, but not a bathroom. They asked questions about the policies regarding boyfriends and going out.


Fall of 2001

The first person to hear about this new vision was Carolyn Timmons who responded with great enthusiasm. In this way The Life Center was born, although it didn’t yet have a name.


Summer and Fall of 2001

Roberta Cummings and Barbara Lemoine were volunteering at Baby Love in Spring Hill, FL.

Baby Love was a pregnancy crisis center. Moms who had received help during their pregnancy years before were returning with their grown daughters who were then pregnant. This was a disturbing pattern. They prayerfully considered the best approach to ending this sort of cycle.

Their conclusion was to reach out to a mom at the time her baby was born and provide a comprehensive program for both her and her child that would be life changing. Thus began the TLC story. *


The Little House is Rebuilt



We asked you to help The Life Center rebuild our “Little House” so we could open the doors of this unique home to young, single moms and their babies who are at risk of becoming homeless.


And you did! This is the house Hernando County built! Thank you everyone who contributed in any way, great or small.


Turning Point Church of the Nazarene had offered to let TLC rebuild a little house on their property in exchange for three years free rent.  The first question we had to answer was, “tear it down or build it back?”.


Most people were in favor of a complete tear down. But then again, it was all we had so we went for it.


We explained this home would provide a sense of belonging through family-style living. We told you our house mother would mentor the moms who are so often lacking the personal and parenting skills to be self-sufficient as a young family. Now it has happen.

Remember that the success of The Life Center ultimately impacts society by protecting children, empowering mothers and strengthening families.


We are very concerned about moms and babies who are homeless and living in Hernando County. We really wanted to help them ASAP.


We wanted  to provide basic shelter so the process of transitioning back into a productive lifestyle could begin. Our goal was to finish the house and have the county issue an occupancy permit.


We worked on the inside. We worked on the outside. Volunteers came from everywhere. We used every resource offered.


New windows were purchased and installed. We had to learn what an “egress window” was. Habitat for Humanity sent over some 2x4s

The bathroom fixtures were provided by Scoto Plumbing. The house passed the first inspection. Another milestone behind us.


Next we added a new plywood floor. The new plywood floor was covered in tile donated by Pay It Forward Farm. We learned to lay tile. We learned to grout tile.


It almost felt hopeless, but not entirely. The floor plans showed 3 bedrooms, a bath, kitchen and living room and if we held our heads just right and squinted, we could see that. Surely with God all things are possible – even this.


We piled up wood  in the living room for the new handicap access ramp. A team of angels from Love Your Neighbor arrived bringing tools, labor and know how to build a ramp. We can never thank them enough.


Somebody Cares help a Carefest and helped out by digging the trench from the well to the house. A very hot job on a very hot day. Once the pipe was laid, the trench was covered over and forgotten.


But we have never forgotten their help. The workers got down and dirty. Holes were dug, cement was mixed, wood was sawn. The team of volunteers did it all.


We believed that eventually our door would be open for young homeless moms and their infants. And sure enough, it was.


Right around Christmas time in 2012 we held our Hernando Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting. Soon afterwards we interviewed our first mom.


She had two toddlers and another baby on the way. She said, “Where would I go if  TLC was not here?” We still don’t have an answer to that question.


We are just glad we are here.









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Life Center of Hernando

The life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a 501(c)3 charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S.

A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling

1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state.

Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

The Life Center’s registration number in Florida is CH 22951.

© 2021 Life Center of Hernando |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy



Phone: 352 597 0119

Registered Charity:

(FEIN) 32-0004500


The life Center of Hernando, Inc. is a charitable organization registered under s.496.411(3), F.S. A copy of the official registration may be obtained from the division of consumer affairs by calling 1-800-435-7352 Toll-Free within the state. Registration does

not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

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